Woh - when I originally saw the clip I didn’t realize how quiet and orderly it was prior.
My mind would have definitely gone towards someone in a vehicle plowing through.
Woh - when I originally saw the clip I didn’t realize how quiet and orderly it was prior.
My mind would have definitely gone towards someone in a vehicle plowing through.
Took a bit - but glad to see it does go over lighter frameworks than running k8s.
Yeah… I was expecting a much larger contrast. Give me the one that doesn’t start off with several popups.
Im very much open to replacing my Starlink - but this isn’t it. Land based lasers are just going to be attached to things called cell towers - and if I have one of those nearby… then I’d use cellular.
More profitable if you’re onsite.
Never heard of it and I can swing $1.94 – thanks.
I don’t see it mentioned elsewhere - but if we’re going down the CRPG route and enjoying it I’d recommend to others Divinity Original Sin 1&2.
I’d also recommend Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. But it’s age might scare some people away – so I typically don’t lead with that.
I added Cyberpunk to the cart. We’ll see if I actually purchase it.
Superglue and laxatives may or may not have been used as a method of torture - so maybe it’s documented.
I didn’t make it too far through but it kinda felt like it was a “save scum stealth” game.
Im assuming Im wrong and just didn’t give it long enough. But, good for them for getting a third game through.
Somewhere around now I try to get like 80% of things entered – then I procrastinate on the last %20.
Does microwaving other things make them taste weird?
They should put each game on its own separate storage – We’ll call them cartridges.
Have never played. But love the current state of NWN1. This news sounds lovely.
Edit: Glancing through the NWN Developer Chat Discord - this looks like it might be going through them. So… slightly more skeptical.
Then dry with normal paper afterwards.
Have never really found this to be necessary. But yeah - just buy and use baby wipes.
People abuse things.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Was the email subject of my last resignation.
They’re referring to an open differential. If you look at an open differential vehicle doing a burnout you will see that only one wheel is spinning.
How do I send you Bitcoin?