Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.
I’m just trying to chill, but capitalism
Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.
This actually looks pretty cute!
Leave the living room at once. It knows you’re there.
I’ve been playing Horizon Forbidden West. Beat the main game and am in the DLC now. Pretty good, but would recommend not going super completionist on it. There’s just so much.
Oh, by the way, you don’t have to play Machine Strike to fill out all your passive skills. Heck, I’ve maxed out several valor surges too. You can comfortably skip it if you want.
The only way you’re going to hit any ranged attacker is by backing them against a wall. Be sure to get them between you and a suitable obstacle so they spend less time running away and blasting you for free.
I personally didn’t like it. It’s very easy to get lost, there are very few checkpoints, and the gameplay is just a bit too clunky. Maybe the latter two improve later on, but it lost my attention before that.
I forgot this was a thing.
Well, now we hope they don’t cancel this one too.
Maybe take a step back and think on that comment again.
True. I just don’t foresee an Oblivion remake this soon, especially with Starfield, ES6, and probably Skyrim again coming up.
How do you figure?
I think spending minutes at a time holding the grip button and waiting to be able to play the game really killed it for me. The colossi didn’t have to thrash that much, did they? At least let me move and dodge attacks instead of just… waiting until the Colossus decides to stop and let me take any action or movement.
Nice vibes, but one of the big selling points of the game is climbing and fighting giant beasties, and it’s just tedious.
At that point, why include all the lethal tools?
Like, I don’t worship the man, but this reeks of propaganda.
What’s with all the anti-Marx stuff lately?
If I must kill 1 person or cause even more death, I suppose I’d kill the person responsible for this scenario.
Why be gruesome when you can efficiently remove the threat?
It’s an argument made in bad faith and/or ignorance caused by same.
They’ve already used one CEO as a fall guy (er… fall gal). Not that I’m a fan, but do we really think spez is the one person in charge of all the stuff going down?
They only sell it at Chipotle where I’m at. I’m tempted to order a box