I am a reddit refugee. And a Foss enthusiast.
browsers have become probably the most secure softwares on your computer.
No, no they did not.
so you can’t boot windows from the bios? In that case I think you have to reinstall windows.
try going into root and running grub-update. also, do not run it like: “$ sudo grub-update”, but as “$ su” and then “$ grub-update” that might fix the problem. also ensure you can boot into windows from bios.
Mainly how smooth and polished it feels
not much use but you can actually still access files if they weren’t written upon since they are still there and only the address was destroyed. I did it once after accidentally wiping my hard drive and managed to get quite a lot of stuff back.
nice cock bro
typo. i meant x11. anyway when I get home i’ll try using nvidia-utils
i have a laptop so no
but mothers don’t have testicles