I really hope someone is archiving their good old stuff, because it won’t take long for discovery to delete everything to save a few bucks.
I really hope someone is archiving their good old stuff, because it won’t take long for discovery to delete everything to save a few bucks.
It’s a big thing because it’s much easier to make fun of an objectively better lifestyle choice (avoiding meat or Microsoft etc.) than it is to try and argue against it. Especially because that would force people to question their own behaviour and that can be difficult and hurtful.
In suspiciously timed and totally unrelated other news
DaVinci is a great piece of software, but is VERY limited on Linux. The lack of mp4 support in the free version is enough to not recommend it for a newbie.
Neuromancer being made by a MegaCorp is somewhat ironic
Seeing Tears of the Kingdom actually run in 60 fps on the steamdeck made me immediately sell my Switch. Nintendo are holding back technological development by dragging their feet, and pushing anti-consumer practices.
Yours is the first comment I see that thinks further than “phones bad, mkay”. Thanks for that. I am a teacher myself, and I don’t see the phones themselves being the problem, but the fact that the curriculum is totally outdated and irrelevant to this generation and the students know this. I have personally fought to get some ‘technology weeks’ (where I teach 3D modelling, animation and programming) and the phones stay in the students pockets for the entirety of those classes (without me telling them to!), because the subject is relevant, interesting and actually requires for them to think creatively instead of just memorising facts.
Punched cards making a comeback soon?
Do it! Godot is great
If you install GNOME Tweaks, you can add it to your startup apps easily through Tweaks…
Abstract food porn. Interesting.
That is true if you look at mechanics. I was referring more to the actual gameplay loop and linearity of gameplay, which is very similar between the two.
I would argue that someone who completed Doom on nightmare is somewhat into the masochism of the soulslike experience
I teach technology in Denmark. I am so glad I convinced the school administrators to let me buy a bunch of refurbished Thinkpads and throw Linux on them, instead of being roped into either Google or Microsoft hell like so many other schools. The students seem to enjoy using the machines too (especially after they discovered Minetest).
I only subscribe to watch X-files and Always Sunny. Couldn’t care less about Marvel, Star Wars or Disney stuff.
But that would bring down the value of the current homes that the lawmakers own! Can’t have that happen…
For real. Most of the best burgers I’ve had were cheaper than that… In Copenhagen of all expensive-ass places.
Blender is such a great piece of software. I have been having a blast learning it!