1984 is mostly easy to read until the last third. Before then it almost makes you have hope that the world in the book changes. Then it becomes more difficult to read due to what happens to the main characters. The last dozen pages were disheartening. I would recommend it to read at least one time.
Brave New World is easier to read so far. The themes (people are all the same and just do as they are conditioned without quesion) have obviously been in other media for decades so there isn’t anything that is too “new”. I’ll have to finish the book to really know what I think about it.
I finished 1984 by George Orwell last week and started Brave New World by Aldous Huxley a few days ago. I’m about halfway through so I should be finished with it by the end of the week.
Afterwich I’ll start The Deep History of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains by Joseph LeDoux. It’s a book I’ve been wanting to read for a few months so I hope it’s as good as it sounds.
I’m still reading Epictetus: The Complete Works by Robin Waterfield and The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday.
This is fantastic, thanks for sharing!
Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance
watches the news
Now I actually do want to read it.
Yeah, it really is the dystopian book on most lists. Not difficult to see why when you realize it was published in 1949.
Oh wow, I hadn’t heard of that one. It does sound interesting though so I might pick it up. Thanks!
Dang, I do have a copy but I don’t know if I want to go back to back dystopian or just rip off the bandaid to get through it.
I also have Fahrenheit 451, which I really do like, but I haven’t read that one in over a decade as well. I’m thinking I should just go ahead and reread them. Thanks for the motivation!
I have two so far and I really liked both. There’s only one of the Anarchist three that I’m missing but it’s out of stock.
There are times I wish I would have purchased the original print but he has shown the updated one and it looks nice so I’m not too disappointed.
That’s a other good one. :)
Huh, so does cross posting not include the original post? Or did I do it wrong? Haha
Edit: Thanks for fixing my mistake.
Damn, you got me.
Haha. Yeah he’s seems like a thoughtful person from what I’ve read and the videos I’ve seen from him. He definitely has a certain sense of humor. It’s nice to see especially since woodworking people tend to be somewhat more serious.
Yes but if you post all three at the same time then there’s less conent on this community, which means less opportunities for people to be aware and interact with !books@lemmy.world. ;)
Also the third one is sold out but that’s because they are going to release a new version. That was the last of the 16th printing of that edition. More in the link below!
It’s nice knowing that I can be surprised by things. That was a wild video. Thanks for sharing!
Those books sound interesting, I’ll definitely be taking a look. Tyvm
I didn’t realize he wrote The Princess of Mars. Thank you for letting me know.
I’ll have to look up Caspak. :)
He also apparently wrote Tarzan too!
Yeah I agree. I don’t remember the first time I watched one of his videos but I know I thought it was refreshing.
To change what I consume from scrolling through social media. Deter doom scrolling.
Taking time to learn new ideas or even vocabulary.
To help me feel connected to humanity through shared ideas, emotions or struggles in life.
To improve my memory.
To better myself as a human being.