‘power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely’
An Expat Marylander living up north as a professional computer geek
‘power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely’
so i think the deal here is that she is running external monitors so trump, at least, has his own view. maybe she got it to beef up the gpu for that?
eli5, but isn’t visual studio code a part of visual studio? or why is it not? or is this like a java/javascript thing where they are named similar because of popularity but have no codebase in common?
honestly, after atom died and vscode announced it would stop supporting mac, i knew i needed a change. i found i could replace 80% of it with tmux and vim plugins, and some bash tricks. so thats where i am now. it takes commitment for sure
you’d think that, but they didn’t say ‘a jewish man’ or ‘a jew’, or just ‘a man’, and they mentioned another American who did the same thing. So Nationality matters.
why are they always Americans? if i ever travel abroad, I’m gonna say I’m Canadian. Heck, I’m already a Habs fan, I say ‘eh’ in conversation, and drink Tim Hortons coffee, I’m halfway there!
pipe output to dev/null and dont speak all night
as someone who frequently must switch between mac/linux/win/etc, i have had no choice but to switch to ‘natural’ because the varied OSes point you that way now. i used to spend much time learning how to customize each and every setting, but it became more hassle than it was worth to just learn the new way.
listening, and singing along, to Ke$ha.
Donald Trump’s Presidency is the best version
meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom
I pirate because i want to own something. For example, if i buy a physical book or cd, its mine forever. i can make digital copies for myself to archive or enjoy on different devices, this is legal. if i pay the same price for a digital copy, i am buying the temporary privilege of enjoying the media in the format that they specify for thw time period that the seller has a license to distribute, before i understood this, i spent good money on digital goods that just went away, furthermore, i had bought books and tapes and cds that were destroyed by time, rain, a flood, etc. i feel i am just exercising my rights and getting what i am entitled to. and fuck the big companies that shit on the actual producers to make money copying bits and bytes.
The bare minimum is stop dead. The preferred is pull to the right, same as you would for a cop. And yes, be predictable. Nothing sudden or unexpected.
You must sacrifice a live Penguin by smashing a window with an apple.
I work for a well known internet company, and its 98% redhat (or derivative) with some alpine and ubuntu scattered about randomly
wow, what a bastard he is
please don’t think that i am claiming any of this is fake, but isn’t that also what a misinformation campaign would say?