Sure, I agree it’s fairly gender agnostic, but it’s a familiar term that shouldn’t be used when addressing strangers.
Reddit refugee looking for a better alternative.
Sure, I agree it’s fairly gender agnostic, but it’s a familiar term that shouldn’t be used when addressing strangers.
that’s what tone indicators are for! Intonation doesn’t come through on text alone but also when people don’t know each other.
Simple clear ballots right!?
Although yeah I agree with most of the points.
True that!
N is the number elements to be parsed by the function
n = 1 and you have O(1)
Yeah, and they’re probably the first to accuse you of weaponizing your neurodivergence or depression/burnout.
Everyone is discussing semantics, and no one is mentioning that the bible creation of the woman was mistranslated and the word that was translated into “rib” actually means something closer to “appendage”, and the only bone that is missing in men is actually the phallic bone when compared to other mammals, men and women have the same number of ribs.
Edit: PS: I don’t actually take the bible’s story seriously but think it’s an interesting and funny fact.
Not if modern proof of ownership technologies are implemented, such as NFT smart contracts.
That’s why NFT’s were created, but now that people link NFT’s to dumb ass pictures, I wonder how if ever it’ll make it as proof of ownership.
Because there is practically no risk of damaging the device and bricking it. If you knew anything about the the distribution, it’s inhalation and android you’d know that the risk is almost nonexistent and reversible. I understand you don’t want to run any risk, sure, it’s a valid reason, but to damage the device is practically impossible just from installing another android variant.
All modern phones come with a locked bootloader. This is to protect the OS and the User data, preventing anyone with physical access to the devixe from reseting the device and installing their own software without permissikn. I had to unlock mine on my 1+ 7P before installing /e/OS. It might just be that carrier locked phones might need something extra to unlock them not sure.
There’s almost no risk, you can install it from the browser, the bootloader gets relocked so no issues with banking apps and rooted device, and you can still have play services on the phone but without it being able to access the whole storage and device info. You seem to literally just be spewing words without knowing anything about the subject.
If you don’t want it I’d be willing to take it and experiment myself with graphene OS.
Switch to graphene OS
Sucks that vendors can keep such a tight control on what you can do with your device. Would be nice to have the possibility to safeguard your device with any OS of your choice.
Even when using another OS? Been trying to find info on relocking my /e/ OS install on my 1+7P and haven’t had any love luck.
Many can be easily unlocked
Agreed! Sad that all the debt and death these companies allow is ignored in these discussions.