Not really. You have the domain for it too be the domain. Just sign up for a Tuta account and have it auto-forward to you.
Also, don’t get a domain that directly links to your name. Just an overall best practice.
Not really. You have the domain for it too be the domain. Just sign up for a Tuta account and have it auto-forward to you.
Also, don’t get a domain that directly links to your name. Just an overall best practice.
Most, not all.
I would guess that of you polled the average American or European, they would expect the political leanings of most of the developing world to be far more to the left than reality.
I just did this a few months ago. Totally worth it.
Ensure that whoever you use for web hosting allows for the creation of multiple addresses, with one as a catchall. The real power you’re paying for is beyond an alias that shows your real address, you can use an address like to sign up for things you expect to be spammy or whatever, and delete the address in 4 weeks and just vanish from their records. Also helpful, if you do need that account back in a year or two, you can create it again in about 30 seconds.
Seriously though, this is the tech layer we all really need and I fear no one is developing. I don’t mean the obvious “scan your digital government ID to start the call” but just the equivalent of a CAPCHA. Probably a hand mirror is all you really need.
Short of doing a demo with rolls of change or MnMs or something, asking people to conceptualize math that is not just simple addition is often asking too much. Especially when people’s financial literacy is learned at home from people who retired in 1996.
Most westerners would be shocked at how common a very similar sentiment can be globally. Especially in low income developing countries, the appeal of a “benevolent dictator” is open topic of conversation. Mostly based on recollection of some leader like that in the 70s or 80s with a sense of societal discipline (and often ignorance of ethic cleansing that didn’t apply to the prison taking).
A recession is defined as 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP. So, by definition, you are repeatedly wrong, and we all know it.
Lemmy is not a reddit cesspool. Let’s be adults here.
I have a bachelor’s and master’s in this. My commentary is not some “trolling” attempt, this is a relativly informed, yet frustrated, opinion. We don’t have to agree, yet I feel like you’re not presenting an honest or forthright response.
Lol, OK kiddo ; )
I would go into the game theory and political theory of this, but I fear you wouldn’t understand that either.
It’s OK, if it happens, things would be so beyond fucked to get us to that point that it’s less of a “third party” and more of a “survivors” scenario.
Oh no, I’m asking apathetic voters to be so apathetic that brands no longer matter either.
Uhhhh- Blamo! Boring conversation anyway. Luke, we’re gonna have company!
As someone that never trusted either party, this is the one way to get my vote.
The Dems are 80% dusty skeletons desperate to simply stay in office. They don’t do a single thing in the interest of the people, otherwise this whole thing wouldn’t be an issue. F them and F the GOP twice as hard. They are very much also a part of how we all ended up here.
It’s not actual cost cutting. Stop calling it that.
Uh, uh, negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak… very dangerous.
Paying a deposit is common when making a reservation at Michelin restaurants in Europe.
This isn’t rocket science or even new. Only the BS part of it is new.
Uh, everything is under control. Situation normal.
I’m still so mad at the Skoot Corp CEO for that ridiculous re-skeet where they memed the javalina charrp boys on doop.
Am I having the stroke? Or is everyone else?
Not really. In my experience it’s that the last authoritarian was the same ethnic group as a legacy group often in power, and so there worst effects didn’t hit most people from that group. It was also a period of respect for the authoritarian, so fear alone wasn’t what drove compliance with laws. So people conflate what amounts to a homoginized ethnocentric power structure to the benefits alone. It’s really not too dissimilar from the MAGA ethos that things were better “back then” and it just so happens that “back then” was before the Civil Rights Movement.