Remember Hezbollah is not hamas. Lebanon is a different country.
Remember Hezbollah is not hamas. Lebanon is a different country.
Yes, but look at bud light. Boycotts can be hugely damaging. If people start boycotting Intel, Dell HP and other suppliers will happily offer amd instead. Similarly, companies with policies of not buying from suppliers with slave labour or supporting genocide may decide Intel falls in that category now. They do it as a PR exercise but ultimately it’s consumer sentiment that drives it.
Intel will need to decide if the sweetener is worth the risk. From war interrupting supply. From boycotts. From brand damage.
Or they are worried that Intel will pull out due to risk of consumer boycott and want to push the deal through.
You can, or could, in Venezuela and Iran. Europe trades in oil all the time, but the petrodollar reigns supreme for international trade with oil producing nations. That’s not in question. The point is how much that will impact on international trade relations, now and in the future.
As currencies diversify, as power needs diversify and as stability and increased trade between all nations increases, the majority of trade may still remain in dollars, but that provides less power for America than historically. Oil is less important and the traded currency is also less important. This also improves with improved digital process of payments and faster shipping routes. It’s assumed that is part of the reason Russia values the arctic, for shipping routes.
There may be limited appetite for more ruoee trades now, but a trial balloon is always the first step and there may be more on an ad hoc basis. India may start to trade with Iran or Russia in increasing volume but wish to have rupee trade. A large customer like that may find that one supplier plays ball.
If the euro doesn’t really threaten US as a reserve currency, a BRICS one certainly won’t. As economies diversify and become more intersectional, as has happened since ww2, the currency fluctuations are less, with increased trade. Then currency used matters less and risk is lower for both sides when non us currency is used. So, I think dollar as a currency reserve will naturally reduce over time but it’s not disappearing any time soon.
Her taxes directly support the war. It’s not as easy as people are good and bad. Good people can be in bad situations. Sanctions are supposed to hurt all people. That’s how they work. It’s seen as a lesser evil, rather than a good. They are damaging for both sides.
I still miss the fingerprint reader on the back of the Nexus 5x. And CyanogenMod added the ability to swipe it to see notification shade which was great.
The position is just a natural place to place your finger when holding a phone so the unlock was more automatic rather than a deliberate action being required.
I thought paying staff properly was the cool hipster thing to do? Not wage theft and fines.
Personally, I boycott. It’s much easier to boycott companies with terrible overpriced products.
Oh no.that’s disappointing.
It’s not that it matters. It’s that if an acronym is new, it makes sense to clarify its meaning until it’s clear to all.
Yes, I assumed it was a lemmy option, not a connect feature.
If it is to be implemented, there should be an option to block all communities, or commenters or both.
I’ve blocked the nsfw instances, to clean up my feed, but it means some user comments get suppressed too, as they have their account there.
As an Australian, not an American, we drive long distances too. We express in km/h and km, not mph and miles. Due to high risks of sleeping on long straight empty roads, rest breaks are taken seriously here. I’d consider a 10 hour drive as door to door including minimal breaks. It would be foolhardy to drive without breaks. However, if I was describing the distance without breaks, I’d say that. If I was taking longer breaks, I’d say it too, for clarity.
My in laws live near the border of the next state. It’s a 6 hour drive without stopping. I’d describe it as a 7 hour drive, door to door. We have done it in 9 hours with stops in playgrounds for the kids. If I was describing that I’d still describe it as a 7 hour drive that we took extra breaks, so it took 9.
Why would they face any legal consequences any more than any other social media? The platform would not be liable for the content of its users. Obviously, they are responsible to remove illegal content, like child porn.
Why risk the bad PR of being on meta when you can be on your own instance that any other instance can access.
It’s like email. People don’t hold Google responsible if someone emails them with profanity.
I expect there will be sanitised versions and free for all versions. Moderation will differentiate but it may be that it’s send regulated, like porn on NSFW instances.
One thing I’ve noticed is that I’ve blocked the NSFW instance from my feed and any comments from there are blocked too. So users from instances with a lot of NSFW content may find they have less engagement. L it may be that more regulated instances have less freedom of speech but more people to listen.
Likely the realiry will be somewhere in the middle.
Yes, it will fracture, but hopefully at the fringes, as you mentioned. So thsie with extreme views find it difficult to get traction due to lack of users or lack of places to post.
It should mean that we don’t get brigading from communities. You can just block them. It should.nean that there are safer communities but they miss out on some content.
At the moment, the only large communities are general. That may change over time. I do hope that companies start their own instances. Not to control the narrative, but to be their official communication. I don’t want commercial users using the community instances.
Again, then, they can be blocked but also, they can be verified.
Spy thrillers were much common in the 80s and 90s, whereby there was intrigue and plot more than action. Perhaps it’s the end of the Cold War and the rise of mission impossible as the de facto spy movie.
Probably as she lives on coronation street, so she’s seen a lot of crazy stuff. Murders, rapes bombs etc. It’s not as safe popping into Rita’s shop for the newspaper and baked beans as it once was.
I don’t use mastodon. Do users need to reciprocate? So if I followed you and you moved server would I still get a notification, or only if you follow me?
Can anyone follow you, so does the notification let you know that it’s a change, rather than a new follower.
That’s a harder ask if people have already tried it and found it lacking.
I feel sorry for her, as it’s not a black and white case of inappropriate behavior.