I believe it doesn’t handle any of that right now. I admittedly only play D&D so that’s the use-case I based this on. The scenario you’re describing sounds really complex and I have no idea how I would implement that kind of functionality currently
Nerd, Anime and Film Enjoyer, Video Editor, Python Dev, Learning Rust, Linux Enjoyer, Sick of Windows, Currently Running Pop!_OS, Debian and /e/OS
I believe it doesn’t handle any of that right now. I admittedly only play D&D so that’s the use-case I based this on. The scenario you’re describing sounds really complex and I have no idea how I would implement that kind of functionality currently
So you would have a pool of 14 dice and you can re-roll the lowest 4 or any 4 dice?
Well, I had a look at anydice.com but I couldn’t get re-rolls to work. So I made this specifically with re-roll functionality in mind. All in all they’re pretty similar, though.
Yeah, I understand the possible applications and they do sound quite useful. Scheduled posting, for example, is really cool. The word “bot” just doesn’t make it sound like client features to me but that’s most likely a me issue. It looks very promising, keep up the good work
So wait, this is basically just a Bluesky client that allows you to alter the text you’re about to post in some way or another?
Then I don’t get why you would call that a bot. The way it’s phrased I imagined everyone posting from bot accounts
When it comes to decisions like this, I usually make a list with my options, create some categories (e.g. durability, longevity, performance, …), rate each option for each category and then divide each option’s points by its price to see its value. If they’re fairly similar, I would take the time I’d need to save up for them into account.
In general, I would always want to go for A) upgrading what I already have or B) getting something used for the sake of sustainability.
You could look at some more used ThinkPad options like a T470 or a T480. They can often be found for cheap refurbished on eBay. I would also take a look at online benchmarks to see what fits your requirements. In my experience, that works better than looking at spec sheets.
I’ve used phyphox for lots of stuff. It’s great for looking at raw data from your phone’s sensors but there are also a lot of great experiments built in to the app. The university that develops it has a playlist showcasing them all, it’s a great way to spend a weekend.
Okay, so you can have intuitive and easy to use mouse gestures to speed up your browsing experience… But why wouldn’t you use Vimium and use your keyboard with 32697 unintuitive keybindings instead?
On average? So you just take all bombs dropped by the USA and divide it by the number of days the US has been a thing? Then you compare that to the amount of days China hasn’t dropped a bomb?
This makes no sense…
There’s “today I learned”/“TIL” but that’s usually factoids, I think
Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist. During his studies, he observed that dogs would begin to salivate whenever an assistant entered the room, even if no food was present. Pavlov realized that the dogs had learned to associate the presence of the assistant with the arrival of food. He then conducted experiments where he would ring a bell or sound a metronome immediately before presenting the dogs with food. Over time, the dogs learned to associate the sound with the food, and would begin to salivate in response to the sound alone, even without the presence of food. This research on dogs became an iconic example of classical conditioning and the comic references this.
Since the light actually passes through the glasses and just gets refracted, there’s no screen in front of your eyes. It’s like looking through water, a window or anything else translucent/transparent.
Tungsten. It’s just so cool that it’s so dense and has such a high melting point. It’s also really hard and tough.
Edit: also dragonflies are pretty badass
No shit
I switch between New, Hot and Top 6hrs/Day
I would say: “Don’t switch to Linux. Just start with Linux and never use Windows or Mac in the first place”
Don’t have to get used to something if you’ve never used something else.
I wish you best of luck. Feel free to re-use any of my code if you think it could be helpful. Even though in my opinion it is a huge mess