Then please explain the difference. How is it a false equivalence?
Then please explain the difference. How is it a false equivalence?
Where were all these people when they had the opportunity to vote? You lost a legitimate election. Now you want to protest the results? Please explain the difference when republicans protested and tried to overturn the election.
This is how it starts. Begun, the water wars have
Yep. Democracy has left the building.
You’d think he’d be too busy to complain what with all the children he hasn’t murdered yet.
Upvote because obviously this isn’t sarcasm, but actually for reals.
If you read the article the recall includes cage free and “organic”eggs
Where do you think the story of Cain and Abel came from?
I’m in Canada, but what does it matter if it’s mph or kph? The concept is the same.
And people wonder why America is the way it is. A grown ass adult married woman can’t even grasp the concept of mph. The school system has majorly failed this woman. It’s like even the concept of critical thinking has been eradicated.
Haha that actually made me laugh out loud.
This right here. Not enough people realize how bonkers these religious nut jobs really are, or that this is the real reason the US is so invested in Israel.
The US is full of bigots and racists. And not a large minority, but an actual majority of Americans. Any one who says different is lying. If you’re not actively voting then you are complicit with it. If Americans were so great, why is the government constantly on the verge of shutdown, with half of elected officials openly against policy simply because the other half supports it.
The USA proving it’s still number 1…. At murders?
Thanks for the lack of response from the developers. Glad you don’t have time to respond or even acknowledge the issues. App has been broken for a week now. I guess you’d rather I use voyager app?
The app is bricked on my iPhone as well. This is pretty bad. If I switch apps, I’ll never come back to this one. It’s been broken for days now. Not sure why I haven’t switched yet but if it’s not fixed by today then I have no choice.
I’m on iPad and same problem. It’s basically useless for the last couple days
Does this on my ipad
Here’s Another thought too. Zoos are notorious for animal cruelty issues. How about not have animals locked up cruelly for our entertainment.