The Leaf was cheap. It introduced many to EVs. They are super common third or fourth hand now. It was aimed at the other end of the market than the Tesla.
The Leaf was cheap. It introduced many to EVs. They are super common third or fourth hand now. It was aimed at the other end of the market than the Tesla.
Yes, because it was cheap.
Don’t know about that. Leaf has been pretty important as well.
Also services. Including Google, Apple, Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. Those American tech monopolies are now a problem for all to see.
I said this to a few people and you can suddenly see the realization that their entire digital life is completely dependent on America and is now being called in question. It should of been before because of anti-trust, not following local regs, or taxes. But it was inconvenient.
Don’t know how far it can goes. IP blocks, MAC address blocks, DNS, Root Auths? There is basic stuff that is meant to be international, but is unduly American. America going to break the internet trying to use it for dominance? If you don’t want responsibility, or act responsible, you lose the power that responsible gave. If American fucks this position up, they will never have it again.
You could swap out the Pixel+Graphene for say a FairPhone+LineageOS. I ran misc-secondhand-phone+LineageOS for over a decade. Still selfhost everything I need. My family have all their photos upload to my nextcloud instance instead of Google.
My switch to Pixel+Graphene is because ultimately the problem is political not technical. A banking app I needed for work refused to run without the real Google services. It also refused Custom ROMs. I tried a lot of tricks. Also GoogleMaps is the only satnav with traffic information in the route planning. There is other things, but Graphene allows you a compromise of running the Google services, but sandboxed.
The problem is not technical, it’s political. Most people don’t understand the difference between a standard and a monopoly. The law makers are asleep to monopolies and the need for competition in the tech world, so have allow this tech dystopia to happen. Some that are more awake know big monopolies are easier to get things like this story from. Multinational corporation are money machines, they won’t really fight for their users. But they miss the bigger picture.
If you care about all this stuff, there is groups like:
Maybe also https://openuk.uk/ , though they more work with big tech.
You don’t think it’s that too big a chunk of US voters are backwards misogynists? Wish I didn’t, but I do. I’m not going to get my hopes up a third time.
I honestly don’t think it matters how great or not she is. I just don’t think America will vote for a woman yet. They prefer a rapist fashist narcissist.
Yer, Brexit is our Trump. It hurt us badly and continues to hurt us. We have a more grown up party in power now, but they dare not question Brexit as the popularists will jump on them if they do.
See from here in the UK, both women seams good enough and miles better than Trump. I think it says a lot about the US that both times they choose Trump over these clearly competent woman. The US just isn’t as socially progressive as Democratic leadership seam to think. I agree there was more than just misogynism going on, but it seams like it was a solid chunk of it.
She looks great, but is it worth risking more MAGA on America voting for a woman? A third time? They think they were radical voting for “the black man”. Voting a woman seams beyond America even if the other choice is Trump or not voting. God know what the state the world is going to be in by the time another US election is due, let alone if it’s allowed to happen and be remotely free and fair.
It certainly feels like that, but “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
It rules!
If you shirk responsibilities that come with power, you lose that power.
If you abuse trust put in you, you lose that trust.
America is screwing itself.
To be honest, I don’t see them allowing a vote to go against them. It is if this shit can hold together without Trump. He’s old and doesn’t do diet or exercise. He’s the linchpin of it.
The thing that my stomach drop is the crowd cheered. Not a shocked intake of breath or booing. They cheered. He did a sieg heil and they cheered it. If you cheer a Nazi doing Nazi things, you’re also a Nazi. The US has a Nazi infestation. Even if they get another remotely fair election to correct this, it won’t be accepted, again, and insurrection2 will have been prepared for, for 5 years. I feel that sieg heil of the richest person on earth marked the end of American democracy.
I’ve not seen Strongdor in a long time…
It’s vendor lockin. Office file formats are not properly open. There is a “temporary” closed bit that they promised to open to get through ISO, but then never did. The whole ISO thing was a massive exercise in corruption. Let alone the fact the reference implementation is closed. Shame Groklaw isn’t as easy to search and link now.
The problem is that level of wealth should not be in anyone’s hand. Elon is demonstrating why, but Elon shouldn’t have been allowed to get into this position.
Range is important, but so is cost. Teslas are too expensive for Leaf owners.
My 7 seat EV only does at most 150 miles. But even now, two years later, there isn’t anything else that comfortably fits 7 adults. Let alone not over twice the price. So 200 miles seams ok to me.
I agree standard charger connectors are important. But CHAdeMO is standard, just not in Europe or North America. Can’t blame the Leaf for not knowing that would happen.
The Leaf is also one of the very few cars, least in the UK, which can be using bidirectionally. https://www.indra.co.uk/v2g/
I don’t own a Leaf, but I respect what they did. You see loads of them here.