paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I think it’s more likely that the consistent quality is a side bonus from most of 3M’s customers being other corporations, not individual consumers

    If 3M only sold painter’s tape to the public, most of the public will buy it whether it’s crap or not because most of the public only needs to put up with painter’s tape occasionally

    However if a large commercial real estate company who goes through palettes of painters tape suddenly has to start ordering 1.5x as many palettes because some of the tape is defective, they’ll threaten 3M with cancelling a multi-million-dollar contract that will hurt 3M’s quarterly spreadsheets.

    That is until inevitably someone at 3M gets the idea to start producing a cheaper “consumer grade” painters tape and then everyone who doesn’t have a relative in building maintenance who can swipe a pro grade roll for you is SOL

  • That’s a fantastic talent. Creativity is one thing but quick improvisational creativity is a whole other level

    For monologues: do you do ok improv-ing dialogues? If so maybe you could trick your brain by thinking about how a monologuing character is kind of having a dialogue with different parts of themself

  • With math, is it arithmetic that gives you trouble or the actual symbolic manipulation of mathematics?

    I am hot garbage at keeping track of numbers but turn those fuckers into letters and (at least for me) it’s off to the races. Then I just convert everything back to numbers in the last step before jamming it all into a calculator. This method saved my ass in 400-level biochemistry courses. (Annoyed the shit out of the grad students grading my exams, I’m sure…)

    You may be better at “math” than you think :]

  • Isn’t the ultimate issue enforceability? For a dev to be awarded some of the profit made off an open source project:

    1. A whistleblower would have to discover, gather, and publish evidence that the software was being used to generate profit
    2. The dev would have to win a court case against the company

    It would be fuckin rad if that happened and a dev got a huge payout and a legal precedent was set. But it’d be more rad if we didn’t live in a society where this was an issue in the first place :[

  • I use AsteroidOS since afaik it’s the only working FOSS watch OS. It’s still pretty bare feature-wise. Everything has to be done via PC terminal, even loading custom background images. There are basically no apps published by the community.

    BUT now I have a watch on my wrist instead of in a drawer, it interfaces with my LineageOS phone, and it’s not uploading all the details of my boring life to Google :]

    I need to learn how to fuckin code…

  • Oh for sure. Any language sounds intense asf when you’re yelling it. Didn’t mean to hit some nerves by linking a decade old video… I believe the creators meant no harm and I didn’t either :[

    If someone who didn’t speak English overheard me greeting my cousins, they’d probably think I was trying to start a fight :P