Agreed. From what the article says it seems like this loan was taken urgently to help pay for real estate that him and his mom/stepfather had bought before a sponsorship of his fell through due to his injuries.
I can’t imagine what it’s like to grow up with little money, and then suddenly hit big. I imagine everyone around him is trying to manipulate him and cash in somehow. People in his position need a fantastic support system and a good amount of luck. Seems like he has neither. And now he’s involved in multiple lawsuits at only 23 years old.
Dude needs a mentor like LeBron or Wade. Someone who can guide him through how to support his loved ones without being taken advantage of, how to set himself up for long term financial success, how to keep his body healthy.
I really hope the best for him. He’s such an exciting player to watch when he’s on the floor.
Adam Sandler is going to be very upset that the Sixers never gave Bo Cruz a chance.
[The Athletic] SHOCKING! Kyrie Irving is better at basketball than players who are worse than him.
Diminishing returns!
I’m curious to see how streaming services are going to be affected by the strikes. Theoretically down the road they’ll reach a point for a while where they have very little new content to release and will be fighting each other for the rights to existing content.
Same. I cancelled my Netflix a couple years ago and haven’t looked back. They don’t have a lot of content that I’m interested in watching anymore, and when they do it’s easy to find elsewhere. I host my own Plex server now which makes it even more of a seamless transition.
These don’t look like cracks that I would be concerned about personally. Houses move, settle, expand, and contact over time. I can’t guarantee that there isn’t a structural issue causing this, but just from the looks of it, these look like common cracks that often show up over time on drywall seams due to natural house movement.
Nothing new to see here. Harden is open to the Clippers, the Clippers are open to Harden, Morey isn’t in a hurry to do a less-than-optimal deal.
Many English speaking countries use the comma to separate groups of three whole number digits and the period to notate the partial number digits. Most non English-speaking countries do the opposite.
Will it hold? Probably. Is it a good idea? Probably not.
Good screws to attach one side of the mounting plate to a stud will definitely be enough to hold the weight of the tv and the mount. That said, if you ever adjust the tv, that will put a lot of pressure on the side that is only attached to the drywall. Even if you use drywall anchors, they’re not meant to support weight/force in that way. The drywall will get messed up, the mounting bracket could feasibly bend given that it’s mounted securely on one side and not the other.
That’s kind of the worst case scenario. I would go for the peace of mind and install blocking that spans the studs which you can attach the mount to very securely.
This is one of the worst jokes I’ve ever seen. Thank you!
Ah yes another prime example of them working with those who were willing to work with them. That’s what they said, right?
I wonder if Houston actually was not willing to offer Harden a max contract. Not sure if it was an actual leak or just a rumor, but I’m pretty sure I heard something about Udoka discouraging the front office from giving Harden a deal. Harden opting in suggests the offers as a free agent we’re not good.
Same. And water, trees, mountains, clouds… This photo gets me
Are they truly able though? I’ll readily admit I’m not very knowledgeable on this, but radio towers have a limited range, right? Satellites have the ability to provide internet and communications to truly remote areas where it may be logistically challenging or impractical to build radio towers.
How is any of the information random? The OP title says vague things like “makes history” and “ruling”. While you can guess that the ruling is positive based on it saying that it makes history, the headline on the article is unambiguous and much better in my opinion.
First South Asian country
This describes the manner in which this ruling was historical.
Recognize same-sex marriage.
This describes what the actual ruling is.
To use a hyperbole to illustrate a point, the OP title could just as well describe a situation where Nepal had ruled that same sex couples who marry must be banished to outer space. Hypothetically, It’s just as much a historical ruling as what actually happened.
Edit: fixed formatting
Here’s the actual headline from the article which contains important detail and is less click-baity:
Nepal makes history as first South Asian country to recognise same-sex marriage
Lisa Laporte tweeted about it here:
In a nutshell, it seems like the show got cut because viewership had drastically declined and wasn’t worth continuing to produce. If there’s additional drama behind the scenes, I haven’t heard any indication of it yet.
Honestly I’m kind of surprised the twit network is still around at all. Their overall product has seemed really dated to me for a long time and it seems like the podcast advertising realm is a real shit show right now.
Yeah I have the feeling a lot of them are as bad or in some cases worse than bicycles upfitted with gas engines.