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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yes, I remember this. People were being snatched up in vans by men in tactical gear.

    He also wanted the military to shoot the protestors in DC for his little bible photo op.

    This country fucking forgot how terrible 2020 was. He should never have been elected in the first place but 2020 showed that he is a full on fucking sociopath who will kill any American who stands in his way.

  • Everyone in the US who isn’t actively kissing Trump’s ass needs to get really fucking loud and really fucking angry about this.

    This man is a legal resident with a green card and ICE blatantly ignored that. They threatened to arrest his 8-month pregnant wife (who is a US citizen) in her home. They moved him across state lines and didn’t tell anyone where he was. They kidnapped him.

    This is fucking fascism. America is a fascist nation.

    These tactics will continue to be used against any dissidents who stand up to that fat fucking flesh blimp.

    At the bare minimum write your representatives and ask why they think this is okay. Start protesting. Do not comply in advance. We can’t stay silent.

  • People on the left need to stop peddling this “Trump stole the election” stuff. It plays right into his rhetoric about our elections being rigged and allows him to cry again whenever his side loses. The comment in the screenshot looks like a fucking bot anyway.

    Dems didn’t dump Biden early enough and the average American voter is dirt fucking stupid. Plus you’re telling me there’s some sort of massive conspiracy to alter votes in 7 different states with separate election systems and no one blabbed?

    While I agree that every accusation is a confession until we see some hard proof that’s peer reviewed I’m skeptical. We shouldn’t be focusing on the past anyway, it doesn’t solve our current problems. We need to focus on the present and future.

  • I don’t think anyone should be posting this defeatist ass shit from Reddit. For all we know it could have been posted by AI. Yes, shit is bad. It’s probably going to get A LOT worse. But we shouldn’t take it lying down.

    Posts like this that just point out how bad things are without offering ANY action are exactly what Trump and Musk want. They want us to look at this crap, feel overwhelmed, and give up. Instead those who want to resist fascism should be planning ahead.

    Every single little act of resistance counts.

    I know it’s hard. I’m fucking stressed out, anxious, overwhelmed, and just TIRED but I’m working out the little things I’m going to do to push back and it’s making me feel slightly better.

    Go watch AOCs video on YouTube about things you can do: https://youtu.be/CVgNJf6CsBA?si=G9lW50VDLiZrx6EZ

    Read and print this zine: https://itsgoingdown.org/dont-just-do-nothing-20-things-you-can-do-to-counter-fascism/

    Download and read the simple sabotage field manual: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/26184

    Get someone you know to quit Twitter and/or Facebook. Get the fuck off those apps if you’re not already.

    Start saving books, papers, information, etc.

    Go to a protest if you can.

    Support independent journalism.

    Limit your spending. Stop buying anything but the essentials.

    Most importantly, talk with the people you care about and trust and build a support network.

  • JD can fuck off with this states rights shit. We all know they’ll pass a national ban as soon as they get the chance.

    Also, by letting each state decide we’ve created the same conditions that led to the Civil War. We even see an equivalent to hunting down escaped slaves where states are trying to prosecute women who get abortions out of state.

    The right craves division and violence because they have no real policy.

  • I skimmed through it this morning and it’s another example of how much the GOP is just Trump’s cult. Most of the vetting on the first few pages is highlighting how much Vance didn’t gargle Trump’s balls until around 2020. Very little about his actual policy stances. Also shows that Vance is your typical opportunist. No principles or morals. Willing to do whatever grants himself power.