I know two things. I really like to be right about stuff and if we’re going by the usual tests a majority of people are going to be near average intelligence.
So I’m most likely average and real smug about it.
I’m going door to door trying to gather pledges from all technology subscribers.
Will YOU downvote all Musk posts in this community until people post them in their proper place (c/enoughmuskspam)?
Is every vaguely prominent leader in Russia dumb as rocks? How did he think he’d get away with an attempted coup while leaving the dictator in power?
Did he expect to get points for being bad at a coup?
Can we take a moment to appreciate the very real possibility that the Soviet space program of the 50s would have been able to land a lunar probe better than the current Russian program?
(Obligatory /s, space is hard and shit goes wrong sometimes)
The admin note there was pretty hilarious.
“We’re being censored because big instances defederated from us!” Bitch you can still scream your shit into whatever instances that still want to share the cesspool with you.
This is the real world equivalent of shouting into a megaphone outside a bar and claiming censorship when they close their doors to shut out the noise.
This is an obvious exaggeration, but I can’t help but feel like we’re witnessing a death match between American democracy and the Republican Party.
Look, I’m all for reforestation efforts, and if Rs are willing to start a large environmental project like that, great. But, it’s really not a solution for climate change on a global scale. At best it’s a repair effort for the damage already done.
Even if they get the scale right, and somehow manage to plant and cultivate a trillion trees successfully, trees are more of a short-term carbon sink when you’re talking about a geological time scale. They die, they burn, they get chopped down. When that happens, the carbon is liberated again. Sure, you can plant more trees, but all you’re doing is changing the equilibrium point for atmospheric CO2. With each gallon of gas burned, more CO2 enters the cycle that would have otherwise remained in the ground long term. Trying to solve climate change by reforestation is like trying to fill a leaky bucket with water. No matter how much you pour in there, at some point you’ll have to stop the leak.
The answer to climate change is the same, yesterday, today, and forever: long term carbon sinks (fossil fuels and chemical weathering) cannot liberate CO2 at the rate we’re currently running. Reduction is the only real answer.
When you’re losing to a friend in a video game so you call him a racial slur 😎
When you think about it, the difference between curling 5 lbs and 40 lbs is only 35 lbs.
You’re only one slightly malnourished toddler’s weight away.
Can someone convert the measurement to bratwurst for the Europeans?
So I have something of an unhealthy obsession with finding out just how dumb this guy is. I don’t know why.
I’ve pirated a couple of his books and found he appeals to a very specific type of person- that being, the person who wants to appeal to science without understanding a single thing about it. He cites HUNDREDS of reputable sources, and sprinkles in his own bullshit website to give the appearance of legitimacy by proximity to real scientists. But even funnier than that, it’s clear he only ever reads the headline of the studies and never goes past that. Without fail, he’ll just straight up make up fantasies about what the study actually is and what the researchers think. Hilarious, if so many people didn’t buy into it.
3 hour deep dive of book screenshots and debunking coming soon to a YouTube channel with single digit subscribers near you
God I love these stupid balls of fluff
I’m not sure Chumba Casino really cares what their ad ends up next to tbh
Don’t forget making a dating profile where I took six pictures in different corners of my house wearing the same outfit.
Think your links might be broken?
I like how Knowing Better went from “general history” to the “slavery and cults” guy. Dude has found his calling.
Love FTL- one of the most unique takes on rogue-lites I’ve ever seen.
Nothing was more frustrating than trying to win hard with Stealth C
It’s a red flag when I’m making new friends too.
It just screams “I don’t read up on any viewpoints presented to me”