Rust takes too long to compile for me… I’d rather eat Java
My friend group - The movie
da da da daaa da da da daaa da da da daaa da da da daaa da da damdididamdididamdidididamdididaaaaa
I NEVER understood them forcing the stupid app on us
I think you can’t sync ungoogled chromium at all. At least that is how i remember it. Don’t quote me on it
Debates about Wayland being the future of the Linux desktop
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Turn the bottom side up. Take a knife Stab the bottom Enjoy
You can the same way you can technically run MS Office on Linux. You can manage to get it to start and run but using it for any form of productive use is probably gonna be rough.
I don’t really like lighting fireworks myself but even i am SO tired of the anual “PeOpLe WhO dO FiReWoRkS aRe AwFuLl bEcAuSe PeTs ArE ScArEd”
i would if was them.
Yeah the respecting the account setting got broken on 0.0.35
Well social withdrawl is also supposed to be one of the biggest factors causing dementia so…