I wish they would apply the same rule to cigarette smoking. So much dangerous smoke and trash everywhere you go.
I wish they would apply the same rule to cigarette smoking. So much dangerous smoke and trash everywhere you go.
The only thing I could find on F-droid was “LoopBoard” which seems to no longer be receiving updates.
This was my most played game for quite aong time. I can’t believe all of the content that was added since I gave up trying to win with 5 boss cells. Maybe its time to try again…
I finally started Frostpunk! Things were going so well…then the storm came, my people started freezing to death and executed me. Looking forward to starting another uplifting play through today!
The Joy of Cooking
I still love my fairphone 3+. Had it for several years and have yet to need to do any repair or replacement. Pleasantly surprised and impressed! I also love that I can easily put a different OS on the phone (currently using e/os).
Whatever you do, don’t cross the streams!
What about the newly conceived thorium reactors that use the nuclear “waste” (spent fuel) to create energy? I think nuclear as we know it might be out of date,but that doesn’t mean the technology can’tcontinued to develop in new and better ways.
I agree! And I think that’s the only way we’ll actually get a critical mass of people to change their ways.
I see your point, though I think the comparison isn’t quite accurate. My one vote doesn’t get canceled out many times over by the vote of a billionaire (though I suppose you could argue that lobbying by that billionaire could indeed cancel it out.
I guess I’m just growing pessimistic. For as much as I personally do, I feel its a drop in the water that is negated 1000 times over by corporations and wealthy individuals. I’m also tired of the narrative being focused on individual effort instead of pressuring corporations etc. to take more responsibility. But both individual and corporate/government action are needed, I suppose, if we’re going to save ourselves…
This is the one!
Came here to essentially say this. Our individual contributions are meaningless in the face of the abuses by corporations and wealthy individuals.
Is there any way to block or spoof the collection oftheis data?
I’m deep into TOTK, though I’m looking forward to getting started with Don’t Starve on my Deck.
Came here to say this. I love my Fairphone!!
Awesome! No reports on protondb yet for it…
Cool! Anyone here have experience playing it on the Deck?
I don’t remember the exact page, but there are a few websites that will deDRM an amazon eBook for you for free.
I’ve had a Fairphone for a couple years now, didn’t realize its Ubuntu ready? How if the Ubuntu smartphone OS?
Dead Cells! Playa great on Switch. Highly addictive.