works for me. works for me. allows those living in the US to track who is funding their legislators, committees, and individual pieces of legislation. Just in case you want to verify this claim for yourself.
Check out the Complaint Tablet to Ea Nasir
It’s akkadian, not sumerian tho
Article has no information whatsover about what they mean by “warmest year”.
More likely is a background/credit check service that runs statistical analysis on genetic factors that correlate with late payments or property damage as part of their renter screening service.
It’s an angle grinder with a cutoff wheel. You can get one from any hardware store.
This drives me crazy with ddg. When it happens I use searx instead.
Public or private, it makes no difference to them.
I mounted a router onto a radial arm saw chassis. It works like a router table but you can see the work. It cuts straight grooves and dados with ease, and makes accurate joinery. It can also double as a jointer or planer in a pinch. I can also use it as a pin router or pattern router with a pin that mounts in the table. Due to the extreme versatility I would very much recommend it over a router table, especially in a small shop.
Reticulum and Nomad Network might be what you need.
Yeah but estadounidense is literally the spanish word for someone from the USA.
Not 200 BC-- that date is for an unrelated language.
Hittittes were around from like 1600-1200 BC, so a language lost to them is probably at least like 1500 BC.
I produce a lot of my own and mainly buy things like sugar and salt. When you live a low income/low cost lifestyle you kind of get sticker shock with how much people shell out for things.
I’m not gonna say that should be illegal, but, like, a thousand dollars feeds my family for nearly a year.
We still scroll “down” to the “bottom” of the page, so how is moving your finger up more natural? Maybe i’m just old now.
y’know, you make a good point.
You must be really really bored. Try reading a book, or watching a cloud, or doing something productive with your life.
Thank you! I’ve advocated the koppen climate classifications for years into a void, but I’d never heard of trewartha!