I love how I read her name Magic the Gathering every time
I love how I read her name Magic the Gathering every time
Like a trail of tears kind of thing? That hasn’t historically worked out morally
The horrible horrible truth is – because they want it https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/
Hey – I live here and can move but a lot of people are impoverished and can’t. Feels wrong to collectively turn the back to them
what in the fuck
I go to CDMX all the time. You stay in the whitey neighborhoods it is one of the best cities on earth. I’ve never felt in danger even like I have in Tulum or Cancun on occasion (and usually by police)
cubs? disagree
You need a proper goven if you’re going to do that
Well good things can happen but which one of my friends are you going to make rich for that privilege?
I hope they can get Paul Maul
You need war score of 100% to enforce those demands
weird flex but ok
… causing the board to hire another equally expensive CEO, – This time he’s into PLANES though!
I’m all for fixing the system but why does the employee CEO of company not get to spend his wages on whatever he wants just like the rest of us?
Was it company money he spent it on? Is he a maj shareholder?
Is Ars Technica a dead publication asked the developer.
See through the fog and realize there is only the money party here – They have 2 ways to get you and different views on who can use which bathroom, but all road lead to Rome.
I bet they did used to use that defense
they should just print company script and send it to them