from what i read before, there’s two americas – at least in people’s minds there.
around half believes in cultish nationalism while the other half hasn’t been brainwashed, yet.
from what i read before, there’s two americas – at least in people’s minds there.
around half believes in cultish nationalism while the other half hasn’t been brainwashed, yet.
he’s getting ready for that star jump. crowds just love it.
at this point, why believe someone who can’t differentiate 8 billion from 8 million?
reading numbers is not his strong suit.
hmmmm, not really in the scale of ‘hot’, imo, but for respect. but it can only work so far. maybe it’s just luck that you encountered a selfish person?
also mass larping lay of hands to cure his malady.
one of them is a paladin of the cellphone.
it would give you a sense of pride and accomplishmenttm
good luck with the memory retention though
in some video… i saw he is taking it down to space nazi’s feet.
trump, probably: “biden’s policies made me do this, guys. totes biden’s fault. …and obama.”
some political leaders follow the “gold-and-rule” so there’s that.
on a more local level, neurotic SOs will return social embarassments with a bigger social + maybe internet drama. 🍿
kinda related NPR.
this is just my headcanon, but in a more trump-ideal scenario:
i really like the details. the lousy tie, the little hands, the couch, gold trumpy figurines, putin face, corp flag – all done without too much labelling!
i could figure out when it loops because date is just a number… or two. easily stored.
after i know when it loops, time to start connecting to other people’s storage. there’s like 8.2 billion people so i can potentially get ~8tera of shared experiences. or kick ass days.
then it’s time to hatch from the egg.
There’s a time and place for rick rolling.
This guy doesn’t seem to know it and is entering his late childhood stage.
loool, fair point.
i have read somewhere that a lot of businesses there follows the saying “if it works, don’t fix it”
welp, orange donvict did promote his platform as “America First!”.
The EU was formed for America First!
looks like more reason to qualify as most.
one of them is big oil. they lied about climate change.
there’s also big plastic. they lied about recycling being sustainable.
it is a valid view.
but i do not support it.
imo, anything that uses absolutes tends to get out of reasonable bounds. no innocents
in Gaza is really hard to prove.
the quality of some planes are very sus, i.e., budget designs like those dreamliner/ max series, parts falling out either due to bad maint or they just built super cheapo
freedom land has shown that liberating air traffic controllers from their jobs got so much air things bumping into each other. “like crewless, zero crew” would also mean zero land crew. i guess this also means tend to your own baggage
there’s those dramas where people get sick on board and someone asks if there’s a doctor. now those dramas would just have a bunch of onlookers maybe posting on sns, praying, or just plain shouting for help. this scenario can be adjusted for the need of an air marshal as well
i doubt all 300 people would orderly get the food they ordered and/or sit on the seat they were assigned. and/or not smoke. and/or not place their feet somewhere the body parts (maybe feet) shouldn’t be on
on the personal side, some ai voice telling me to calm down when the plane hits some turbulence feels like it won’t work. for an extra free, you can choose your ai captain’s voice! for more friendly lines, get the warm ai voice pack dlc