because that’s literally an argument Musk is pushing.
Just like children.
because that’s literally an argument Musk is pushing.
Just like children.
Also, most deaths are not immediate.
Malnutrition, HIV, even dirty water take a while to kill anyone. Arguing nobody died yet is like throwing 30 children off the roof and saying nobody’s hurt, since they’re still 5m above ground.
Seriously, many soldering irons don’t have a switch. Fancy soldering stations have switches, temperature dials, etc. But basic ones are just a resistive load wired directly to the plug.
Trump used to be rather transactional, though.
It’s an evil logic, but there was an internal logic behind what he did in his first term. He bullied you into submission, and agreed to a deal if he thought it benefits him (him, not the USA).
Now, he’s just on full autodestruct. There’s zero logic behind it. Not even chaotic franticness like before, just erratic randomness.
Your comments strengthen my conviction that you read a philosophy book and now try to emulate what you think smart people sound like.
You might as well argue that healthy people are a drag since care in old age is so expensive.
See, I’m German. We have a solidarity based health insurance (mostly). I’m a young, reasonably healthy guy with a reasonably high income. All in all I pay 840€ every month (that’s the maximum amount), even though I cost next to nothing. And I’m okay with that.
Yes, smoking is bad and I don’t like smokers. But denying them healthcare is deeply deeply inhumane. And in Germany even unconstitutional.
I’m really confused about his statement.
I mean, let’s assume he’s right, and let’s assume that a vaccine only protects you for, say, 20 years. Just measles induced encephalitis alone has a lethality of 0.1%. How many cases of anything more than a mild fever did any vaccine ever cause? He’s not even claiming it’s causing autism or death or transformation into Space Godzilla. So why not just vaccinate? It’s stupid even in his own world.
That’s unfortunately an extremely slippery slope.
If vaccines (or lack thereof) are enough to refuse “service”, why treat lung cancer in smokers? What about type 2 diabetes?
What are you even trying to express here? That’s just childish phrases glued together.
The entire point of a Chromecast is to connect to the internet. It’s stupid that this happened, but it’s perfectly reasonable to connect to the Internet here.
Do you assume a dead body has feelings?
The fact that you immediately jumped to depression seems like you didn’t even think about the question.
There is literally no reason to live, we’ve made that all up. That’s not depression, that’s reality. Pushing fundamental questions into a pathological corner is condescending.
Yes, because you’re completely missing the point.
There is literally no risk involved for them in just staying. They had their jobs, and they could easily do the right thing by just following the law. If they were to be fired, they would still get severance of some sort. In any case, it would have slowed down Elon at least for a while.
What they did instead is resigning, thus not getting severance, not being able to slow anything down, making room for obedient bootlickers, and finally they’re now unemployed.
So tell me again: how is resigning the right move? They made the world worse, and they made their personal life worse. Literally no benefit for anyone.
Your entire argument is ex post. You see the fact that they resigned as a given and try to justify that. Why can’t you see that this is not a necessary condition?
… because they resigned. Seriously, what’s your point?
If they wouldn’t have resigned, they would still have a job. And since they couldn’t have been fired easily, they would have continued to have a job for quite a while.
That’s not a complex concept, what’s so hard to understand about that?
No. They resigned from a job. They were not fired. And as long as they don’t break any rules, it’s hard to fire them.
That’s the thing, though. They’re not really taking risks.
Much of what DOGE does is completely illegal and does not go through the proper channels and processes. By simply doing their jobs and forcing everything through the proper processes, they can slow down everything, maybe even to a halt, while being completely in the right and thus can’t be fired.
Yes, it takes a mental toll, but these guys have a responsibility.
I see. We’re at full blown ad hominem and removed even the pretense of argumentative value.
That’s of course a sure sign of maturity.
Maybe all the juniors around you suck, because the good ones don’t need to waste their time with arrogant, abrasive coworkers.
But that’s exactly what Microsoft promised its shareholders and why they invested billions into it. They need world changing revenue to make it worthwhile.
It’s already fourth tier after L1, L2, L3 caches.
Maybe something like optane will make a comeback. Having 16gb of soldered RAM and 500gb of relatively slow, but inexpensive optane RAM would be great.
The cool air in the upper atmosphere cleans the waves, though. Obviously that doesn’t work horizontally, everybody knows that.