It was an awesome rover robot for tinkering and introducing kids to technology! Wish there were more versions of hardware like that.
It was an awesome rover robot for tinkering and introducing kids to technology! Wish there were more versions of hardware like that.
I had these once. It was psychologically terrible. If you already struggle with sleep or mental health, you’re going to have a very bad time living there while you treat the place.
I saw some good advice in the comments as far as diatomaceous earth and freezing. Make sure you look up the actual temps things will need to get to. I recall baking my clothing in my oven at 110 F, or something like that, before leaving the apartment every day so I wouldn’t spread them. Ugh.
I ended up throwing out most of my stuff, bagging up anything I wanted to keep but didn’t need to access for ~6 months (or whatever their lifespan is) into tightly tied garbage bags with diatomaceous earth inside, and for the remaining possessions, I heated them or sprayed the shit out of their cracks (like wood furniture) with bedbug spray.
Just assume your stuff is infested and treat anything that was in there with you. Don’t fuck around. Go full nuclear on your shit after you move out. It’s the only way you’ll be able to sleep soundly for years.
Best of luck to you. I really hope your living situation gets better. I think I saw your fallback option was loud. I sleep with an earbud in whichever ear isn’t smooshed into my pillow. I also recommend those white noise machines that have an actual fan inside (or just a loud-ass fan lol). Even if it doesn’t drown out all the noise, it’ll cut out a lot and it’ll be easier for your brain to tune out stuff. Maybe that’s something you can try.
That’s my first choice, personally, and if she wins the primaries, that’d be awesome.
Otherwise, I could still get pretty hyped about a Walz/AOC ticket, which would pave a more conventional path to a 2032 AOC presidential run.
I saw a video of him sitting down to have an earnest conversation with hardcore Trump farmers and they left liking him a lot. He’s got that “common sense” Midwestern energy on lock and I can see him gaining a lot of ground with the blue collar and rural folks because of it.
If he has pro-hunting gun views like Bernie, he’ll be an amazing pick.
Can’t persecute you for sabotage if it just happens to coincide with proper office protocol.
We can run for office! Except we’re all busy working ourselves to death and living on shit pay. Really takes the momentum out from a lot of us–which is the point :c
This is my new favorite fact. I’m so going to buy a megaphone if I find out ICE is in my neighborhood.
I highly regard their journalism as well.
Looks like a Westworld prototype, designed by a Daft Punk fan.
Good point about the snitch. If it was an actual person, I feel like we’d all know their name by now, no matter how hard they tried to keep it under wraps.
Just a reminder that 404 media is owned and run by its own journalists.
I’m tired of news that’s been filtered through a billionaire’s best interests.
Yes, PLEASE! The rich fucks need to start feeling the consequences of this bullshit where it hurts. It’s the only domestic demographic that can offer enough pressure to motivate this administration to change their behavior.
I got my tubes yeeted the minute I could after Roe was overturned and my state began talking about a 6wk limit. No regrets, just anger for everyone who isn’t in the same position in life as me and still has to worry about unwanted pregnancy.
Off the top of my head,
and then there’s just the general fucking up of skin oil balance, etc. that can set off years of fighting dry skin or acne.
Wait, so now they’re pretending to be concerned about journalistic integrity?
That’s been their plan this whole time: slowly break the system by defunding important services like USPS and education, etc., and then point to those poorly funded programs and give hot takes about how the government sucks and we need to privatize it.
Ugh, classic whataboutism. You’re probably the commenter in every great lakes thread saying, “bUt whAT AbOuT thE laKE eRiE gHOSt PiRatEs?”
People can care about Lake Michigan and Lake Erie ghost pirates at the same time–this post just isn’t the time and place to center them in the conversation.
I like how this underscores what a joke they think Trump is.
Musk understands new media? Are we sure about that?
How about both? I’m always down for access to education.