It seems like it is you who is “removed”
The last time a russian army moved towards europe they liberated the world from the nazis
The root cause is usa
Kill it and the nazis are leaderless
To liberals “democracy” means “white imperial rule”
What is the “civilised world”?
Haha no communism can force you to go against your evil “human nature” so you have to aid the collective people, who mostly have a good human nature
Europe has the whole “pretend we’re better than everyone else” into “kill all nonwhites” bullshit going, better kill em before they hitler again
Germany doesn’t want to defend against usa, they want to be nazis for their yankee fuhrers
Traitor to what?
Oh you’re a white supremacist. Knew it.
Just count military bases burgerbrain
Because settlers are always more evil
They do genocide and colonialism and slavery and they are settlers
The settlers have always been 100% evil
More like “buy white”
The white supremacists think trump bailed on them so they are desperate to hold the remains of their fourth reich together
And of course they hate FOSS, because they hate freedom
Voting is endorsing the establishment
How to be consistently antiimperialist in any conflict: kill the yanks and their lackeys