Reality has become indistinguishable from satire.
Reality has become indistinguishable from satire.
It’s top down for same reason things are generally left to righ. In the days of ink and paper, you’d end up with a smeared mess - ask a lefty what a pain in the ass that is.
Less of an issue nowadays of course. Still the very idea is a bit nails on a chalkboard to me, but I’m old and wondering if it’s a generational thing. Maybe you feel like this since many interfaces push text entry to the bottom?
I’m sorry you haven’t experienced good Thanksgiving food.
Bullshit. Why try to cover for their inability to govern? It’s gonna suck, but if these people keep getting elected it will continue to suck for a long time. I’m all for a schism splitting off the radical right.
It’s their house, and it’s going to be a shitshow, but people voted for this. Maybe it’ll make the party implode, or at least a few reconsider it next time out of embarrassment.
I work in automation. We had one site in Florida that despite AC pumping all the time, had humidity issues. Electonics seemed to handle it ok, but paper was another story. This site would have to print information packs to get packaged up with the product, and it was a nightmare with the collating and folding automation, it just never wanted to work properly. The printers themselves would jam and have more issues than they should as well.
I remember seeing $5/gal under Bush. His last year had an average of $3.30 and peaked over $4… https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/gasoline-prices-fared-under-last-190000869.html
Synthetic fuels would be great for all the existing stuff, but not sure where you’re getting EV sales are down in Europe.
New plug-in car registrations:
BEVs: *212,000 (up 57% year-over-year) and 17% share
PHEVs: *100,000 (up 17% year-over-year) and 8% share
Total: 311,897 (up 42% year-over-year) and 25% share
From https://insideevs.com/news/680428/europe-plugin-car-sales-june2023/
I lusted after these when I was a kid, and eventually blew all my saved up Christmas/Birthday money on one.
The battery thing really sucked, but still had a lot of fun with it. Must of played that first level of Sonic 2 a thousand times.
My white whale was the TV tuner, I thought the idea was so cool as a kid.
Seriously, I worked on a construction project in Charleston close to the Boeing plant that used some of the same contractors. More than one told me they won’t fly after what they saw (and this was pre-scandal).