Aside from reverse image search Yandex is wonderful for obscure things like software reverse engineering.
If you aren’t strictly concerned with having it losless you can check out yt-dlp and download straight from youtube.
yep! I’ve found out browsing hacking/spamming site and i’ve found something too good to be true, it downloaded archive nested inside other archive and in it was silngle .lnk file leading to “the resource”. Peeking inside i’ve found powershell executing base64 (or base32?) encoded script (it’s got commandline option for that. if you want to ask wtf ask microsoft, and tell me), it dl’d some exe from some site and ran it, site was down alredy.
Mastodon i guess.
Just putting all your stuff in one big .7z so you can unpack it to directory then scan them all w/ AV. here’s the original paper for the intrested.
He didn’t, malware guys use UPX and it’s true that antiviruses scream bloody murder when they see it. It’s also true you can’t see what’s inside unless you have special tools to do so. UPX also has one huge downside, it’s its RAM usage, due to it’s inner workings it’s unable to use optimisations that normal binaries can like page sharing.
Tech? I would really love to join reverse engineering community or two.
They will not because it wouldn’t be profitable to them.
If you log in w/ tor to account you’ve logged it w/o it you deanonymise yourself and it makes no sense.
Tidal and tidal-dl. You can ask me for stuff.
Depends on country you happen to be in. If it’s Poland or eastern Europe noone will give a damn. If it’s Germany then you might be screwed. If you’re on a good VPN you should be ok even in Germany.
I’ve found a old CD and put it up on Internet Archive, it’s a place for old stuff to go.
If it’s not a 3rd world country ofc.
Sounds reasonable, but they won’t be able to take it out, they would only be able to not send new movies there.
Friends in other comments suggested that the file is 100-300gb size, it’s quite a lot of RAM if you asked me, but not much for a harddrive. If i were to design this machnie would store the movie heavily encrypted on a harddisk and store keys in RAM. Sb ealier mentioned you need special keys from special compamy to decrypt it so it would be doubly encrypted, one key stored in RAM and another inputed by technican. Ofc if i were to design this i would try to make it piratable by introducing some “accidential” vuln.
Yeah, there’s no need to pirate at the cinema when you can pirate at the studio. Anyway how in my Lord Satan they made that file that huge, it’s 12K resolution or what?
Now i wonder what it does when battery dies, whether it wipes itself or not. And where it stores it’s keys, in TPM or in RAM or where.
afaik audio hookups are recording of radio broadcasts for impaired not unauthorised rips of media used in cinema or recordings made using some tricks with wires and clamps.
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