That is not exactly what they are saying. You could create a private fork of a public repo and the code in your private fork is publicly accessible.
That is not exactly what they are saying. You could create a private fork of a public repo and the code in your private fork is publicly accessible.
Thanks. I gave him this suggestion and the one from others about using the manufacturer’s proprietary drivers.
Thanks. I’ll let him know. I think he has either a Canon or Lexmark.
The issue you are experiencing likely has nothing to do with the VPN. Network connectivity is not needed to unlock the car. I have been in places with no cell phone signal and it still works.
I do sometimes experience the same issue you are. If I wake up my phone, then it works. So it may be working for you not because you disabled the VPN, but because you woke up your phone and it then sent out the bluetooth signal to let the car know you were nearby.
Thanks for summarizing this up for us. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
Amazon has been progressively getting worse and worse. I was not a member of Prime for the video. It was a nice perk.
The combination of Amazon making it hard to search for things to buy, the huge amount of low quality crap for sale with confusing descriptions, and this most recent change of putting in place ads if I do not pay an additional fee has led me to cancel my subscription.
They have taken the enshittification too far. Good bye Amazon. Hello Home Depot, Target, et al.
I used the .onion link using Onion Browser on iOS. The front page loaded fine, but articles were paywalled. This leads me to believe that it is not browsing through Tor that is allowing the paywall bypass, but rather something Tor Browser is doing.
One experiment might be to go to https://nytimes.com using Tor Browser and see if it also still bypasses the paywall. If my theory is correct, it just might…
I also used the link you posted. It loaded but was still paywalled. :( But I am using Onion Browser on iOS. So maybe it is something Tor browser is doing and not because their .onion site lacks the paywall.
lol. He is just stirring the pot. It’s what he does. I recommend ignoring him and just using something else. It is either going to sink or not.
Ex-twitter seems to me to be going in a disjointed “by the seat of the pants” direction. It’s like a kid playing with his new toy. “My toy, I make the rules and I don’t care what you think.”
The thing is, it technically is his toy. It is not a global square. It is a private company. I take issue with what has been going on, but my opinions are irrelevant to the situation.
We could start by having both on new signs. Over many years the majority of signs would eventually have both. Then, maybe 15 years from now, we could drop the imperial measurements from all new signs. I think that would help with cost.
(Adjust timeframe based on the average useful life of a sign plus an extra margin.)
I am having the same issue. I’m in with Mlem, but I can not log in on the site. I even tried it with content blockers off in case there was a captcha or something being blocked.
(Safari on iOS)
I think Bitcoin is more of a gamble than it is an investment. You can do well with it, sure, but it can be very volatile.
Bitcoin does not, for that reason, feel like an appropriate investment vehicle for a state government.
I am using the app and it has been a great experience. Thanks @darknavi and team!
If that is the issue, then they should have a different menu price for takeout vs dine in.
Tacking on these fees at the last minute in an order is just exploiting people. It’s the sunk cost fallacy… I drove here and already ordered, so I’ll just go along with it.
Not cool. This is a dirty tactic.
I think they mean that work has a filter that blocks *.ml (anything that ends in .ml)
I think you need to search for it on lemmy.world and then subscribe and post from there. I’ve had luck copying the urls and pasting them into the lemmy.world search.
I’ve also been using Duck Duck go. I hadn’t heard about Startpage before.
My new code just turns things on or off and monitors temperature and humidity.
I’m on the bandwagon of no “smart home” devices that connect to the cloud. I build a lot my own little controllers with the ESP8266/ESP32 using MQTT to communicate with OpenHAB.
OpenHAB has served me well, but I started using it so long ago that I have not tried out some of the newer options like HomeAssistant.
Here is one of the devices I developed a long tome ago. It used an old chimera of a board, the Arduino Yùn. https://www.instructables.com/Introducing-Climaduino-The-Arduino-Based-Thermosta/
The code referenced in the Instructable is much older code. I don’t think I have my current and much simpler code on Github for the ESP8266. If there is any interest, I can push it.
I use NetNewsWire. Since I am happily entrenched in the Apple ecosystem, it works great with its iCloud syncing. This way I can use it on my phone and laptop while not having to set up any server-side infrastructure or rely on a third party to host anything. (Granted I am relying on the iCloud storage for device syncing. But it did not involve any kind of setup and the files are encrypted such that Apple cannot read them.)