Ah… Yes, it was most likely a fleet carrier, then. Those are owned by players, and not always open to the public.
Was it Elite Dangerous? Stations grant docking clearance if you’re within range when you request it; I think it’s about 7500 meters. Check out the in-game the tutorials. One of them teaches this.
Well, look at that. The Kiwix offline reader is in Debian already, so getting it couldn’t be more convenient.
Is an archive of their repair manuals available for download? Would you mind sharing the link?
Does the US have whistleblower protection laws that would make it easy for a judge to rule this illegal?
Unfortunately, that doesn’t help, since most DVDs in the world were not manufactured in the first production run.
No, it is not. I just scrutinized half a dozen DVD cases with a magnifying glass. They had copyright dates, but no disc manufacturing dates.
I wonder if the numeric codes printed around the hubs of the discs can be decoded into manufacturing dates.
How does one find the manufacturing date of the discs?
The CDC site provides the missing answer to the obvious question:
As of March 6, 2025, a total of 222 measles cases were reported by 12 jurisdictions: Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York City, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington.
Just stating the year would have been more helpful. Especially for those of us short on time, but wanting to make a note of the film without having to read seven paragraphs right now.
Which one? IMDB lists four films by that name.
Meatbags have to enter coordinates into those, too.
She seems both qualified for the job and motivated to stand up to the Trump administration’s aggression, both of which are important qualities in a leader of a US state that happens to be the world’s 5th largest economy.
For those who downvoted, perhaps you could use your words to explain what you disagree with in my comment, and why? I don’t know Kamala Harris all that well, so if there’s something important that I’m missing, I would like to know about it. A downvote doesn’t help anyone.
I would think at least some of it was for historical preservation. The prerelease demo is neither the same as nor included in the released game. Voices are different, for example.
I expect MatrixRTC will be capable of screen sharing if it isn’t already, so this is probably just a matter of time, so long as Matrix gets the sponsors they need to continue their work.
For those who are unfamiliar with it:
GLONASS (ГЛОНАСС, IPA: [ɡɫɐˈnas]; Russian: Глобальная навигационная спутниковая система, romanized: Global’naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema, lit. ‘Global Navigation Satellite System’) is a Russian satellite navigation system operating as part of a radionavigation-satellite service.
I don’t find it surprising at all. Lots of software bugs remain hidden until some circumstance triggers them. Different hardware, different levels of system load, different filesystems… all sorts of things can make a difference.
For what it’s worth, I was using packaged builds on Ubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, and Debian.
Glad you’ve been lucky. :)
It’s about money, specifically with a near-term “exit strategy” for investors.
It lets them push the company into choices that will pump up the stock price so that early shareholders can sell their stock and walk away with profits… without any concern over how those choices will impact the company, its employees, its customers, or the new shareholders in the long term.
I won’t shed a tear for Discord, though. They are a parasitic corporation that extracts profit from the world’s online communities by using the network effect to lock our communications and collected knowledge behind their terms of service. No company should have control over so much of humanity’s cultural development and history.
Good point. I forgot about that possibility because I don’t spend much time playing in Open mode.
The same thing tends to happen on stronghold carriers in Solo mode, I suspect because Frontier programmed the game to spawn a bunch of NPC ships eager to dock with those carriers when a mini-instance is created. You can be the only player within light years, and still have to wait several minutes for all those NPCs to leave before you can dock.