Didn’t you know? Only criminals use Tor! \s
Didn’t you know? Only criminals use Tor! \s
I can. Every time I forget to recharge my wireless headphones case.
I was raised Anglican, then I attended a Methodist church, and I spent a decade or so in pentecostal and evangelical spaces. Nowadays I’m closer to being agnostic or atheist than anything else.
So brave!
I had the exact same experience. Didn’t even know it was so disliked at the time
It’s better than the konami code
In no particular order.
Basic, Python, C , C++, Ruby, Java, Scheme, PHP, ASM, Bash. Does SPSS or CSPro count?
I don’t think we should be testing this. In any case, most dictators were barely smart enough to keep the right people happy for long enough to hold power.
All in between the backup window.
Disney will simply claim that Steamboat Willie Mickey Mouse is a trademark as they have been using it in their properties for the last few years. So I predict that Disney will sue anyone trying to use it so that they can retain ownership.
Two reasons:
If it’s based on Debian then 90% of guides online will work with it anyway
The core problem is education and bad UX. People are taught how to do specific things (click here, type this word, press this button) without ever being told why. And the bad UX discourages exploration of different ways of doing things. So it never occurs to them that there might be a better way.
Personally, I think it’s ok for people to not have a deep understanding of their computer, but if you use one for hours every day, it makes sense that you know how to use it. Just like I don’t expect a driver to know how to take apart an engine but they should know how to change a flat or put in coolant.
And hurricane season is up next. Y’all better hope there are no major storms for the next four years at least