Likely to settle so the DOJ allows their acquisition of Discover to go through.
Likely to settle so the DOJ allows their acquisition of Discover to go through.
Clearly hasn’t read Cadillac Desert.
The m4 ultra is going to really make a case for Apple gaming without compromise, you know, except for the actual games :(
Banks charge higher fees for credit transactions to fuel the loyalty programs (flyer miles, cash back, etc) on those cards. This is why you no longer get any loyalty benefits on debit cards but you still do on credit. The fees don’t cover the risk on credit cards , the interest does.
From the federal reserve directly : https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/boardmeetings/frn-reg-ii-20231025.pdf Also, I guess what I meant is, the cap used to be 45 cents, and when it was reduced to 21 cents, there wasn’t some massive reduction in prices of products for consumers. Merchants just pocket that difference.
Check out FedNow. Basically a domestic government run payment system. Still pretty new and growing.
Fwiw debit card transaction are capped around 21 cents per transaction depending on the size of the bank holding the account. You’re right for credit cards though. Also, imho, I’ve never seen merchants pass along these debit card savings to the consumer. With they would though.
Wish I could upvote this twice.
This is cool but what I really want are rollable screen phones like from Earth Final Conflict.
It’s worth “comparison shopping” with search engines. Run some common queries on multiple engines and see which ones fit what you like. Google takes up a lot of the mindshare for sure, but there are absolutely other options that will probably surprise you with how good they are.
As a sometimes Pixel user, I was jealous when iPhone 15 had an 80 percent charge limit option.
Wonder Showzen had some wild segments but was easily one of the most subversive shows on television.
Knowing Google, they will be fixed when the phone is released then broken after the first software update and never addressed again.
I originally read this as Haribo and got excited about the rich candy gaming universe we’ll never now know.
…annndddd it’s gone. - Google killing this feature in 18 months.
Same boat, don’t even have a Reddit account any longer, and I’ve noticed an uptick in content that is login-only, so even more reason to not even visit the site.
McDonald’s is franchised.
This is why users don’t invest in the google ecosystem. No consistency or follow through.
Cadillac Desert should be required reading for anyone involved with California water.