Looks interesting, but I think a website would be better suited for this (so people can spontaneously play it without having to download anything). Please consider making one :)
Looks interesting, but I think a website would be better suited for this (so people can spontaneously play it without having to download anything). Please consider making one :)
Don’t worry, I usually don’t (and I didn’t say “the Jews”, just “Jews” - big difference, since a “the” in front of it would imply that it’s all while without “the” it’s just a part of them).
It just was needed in this context for the sake of my comment (the irony would be harder to understand otherwise).
I apologise
If they really do that the irony of Jews doing ethnic cleansing would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Rock is in the floor
Ice age ends, water floods dirt around the rock away
Rock either rolls down or stays
We have lots of these in Austria and at least here this is how they became like that.
I’m no expert so I don’t know what causes more damage, but the production of photovoltaic cells also is by no means environmentally friendly. People die, ecosystems get destroyed, …
And people argue that birds fly into wind generators and die, idk how much damage that is comparatively but probably the least. So from an environmental perspective, as a layman, I’d rank them wind > water > sun > non-renewables (nuclear > gas > coal).
But wind (and sun) always changes, so it’s impossible to only have wind (and sun). You need:
Something stable that carries a large percentage (for example water in rivers or at the end of lakes (so basically at the start of a river)).
Something flexible that can quickly be increased or decreased (for example pumped hydro storage power stations, bonus points there for also being able to use energy when there’s too much wind/sun; or non-renewables (burn more gas, get more electricity))
So even if we assume that wind and sun are better than water we still need either water or non-renewables. I’d say that’s an easy choice.
Sadly all power generation methods come at a cost. What would you suggest?
You can argue about how green it is, considering its impact on ecosystems, but how did they end at the conclusion that it’s not renewable?
In the text about Sodom and Gomorra the way I understand it God is punishing them for wanting to rape the angel or whoever it was who’s sleeping there. Not for it being a gay act when men rape a man.
A bit different (since there was no war yet and it wasn’t about the military) but after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Austria requested to send their own police to investigate the case around the “Black Hand” (the terror organisation that assassinated him).
It really isn’t unusual for countries to deny foreign investigation.
It’s hard since it could theoretically also be an actual user who used that website themself.
It’s not like antisemitism prevented people from supporting the NSDAP (in many cases the opposite). Sure, when they were elected they didn’t know what to do with Jews yet, but antisemitism was one of the pillars of their philosophy (if the people are unhappy you have to take responsibility or simply point at someone and say “they are responsible, it’s their fault”) and antisemitism has existed since forever. (Of course there were not only Jews in concentration camps but they were initially made for them).
And sadly antisemitism still exists today in many areas of the world.
That’s fundamentally different from steel. We don’t really have an alternative currently. You could use something like aluminium but that’s not environmentally friendly either (in the initial production, for recycling it’s great).
Coal is required for steel, electricty-based heat would only work to lower carbon emissions (especially when recycling steel since you don’t need coal there), but you couldn’t prevent them.
I’ll assume they mean the countries that currently support Ukraine
Oh, I thought the Google camera app lost the pixel-specific fine tuning. Nice to know, thanks.
How much did it affect the photo quality?
Electric cars are the solution for individual movement, but not with lithium batteries and not with non-renewable power plants. Both of these will change at some point.
I was born with bad eyes. People back then also were born with bad eyes but couldn’t do anything about it.
Obviously you can also get bad eyes (shortsighted) when always only focusing on short distances but it’s not the only way. Most people also become far sighted when they get older (the pressure inside your eye lowers and therefore your eye becomes shorter)
China flooding the market with cheap EVs still makes the rich richer… Just different rich people in a different country.