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Ruben Bolling is the GOAT. His comics often paint a bleak picture of America, but I find them very entertaining.
If you hold something (barely) edible in your hand, then your dog will appear before you. That is not very unexpected 😄
Good dog. Both of them.
They even thought about applying the Doppler Effect during the close fly-by. Nice!
I have not seen a lot of video posts on lemmy yet. What service did you use to upload this clip?
That’s clever. I did not know that some key fobs have motion detection as a security feature.
In short: Culture war
Paywalled link
No one knows the original comic 😤
Look agan
Why would you post that?
Great passive voice: “Bulldozer did a bad thing”. Someone should hold that Bulldozer accountable.
A fun read
Title is wrong, that is a majestic floof