We played Expeditions, the successor of Scythe and really enjoyed it. Expeditions is a completely different game from Scythe, except that its design is very similar. Unlike Scythe, it is not very strategic but a very tactical game. We played it the second time now, but got a rule wrong, leading to really easy accomplishments of quests (I guess they may be called like that in the English version). I’m excited to play it a third time, and am very interested in playing it with a third player, as I only got to play it with my wife yet.
I’m using sway for approx. 2 years now and am very happy with it as drop in replacement for i3. What bugs are you referring to?
For bars, there are swaybar and waybar that run very smoothly. It’s not 100 % polybar but with waybar you can get kind of close.