Please do! Then we can post pictures of “X marks the spot of Twitter’s grave”
Please do! Then we can post pictures of “X marks the spot of Twitter’s grave”
40 is unbearable
50 is death, tar sticks to your shoes, why am I outside?
I haven’t used Reddit in years, but I moved here because my brother, a regular Redditor, informed me of this neat alternative and I felt like checking it out. Hopefully many are doing the same. Otherwise I lurk in old-school forums. I prefer the Reddit model though, so I quite like this Fediverse.
It’s going to be more on rails than Skyrim but have a more compelling story. Which is very welcome if you ask me.
I’m curious if they will let us zone buildings next to a pedestrian-only roads. Like making small alley markets or tight European old cities.
Or perhaps some castle walls and turrets with some ploppable castles
Or a “mixed use” building zone which serves as both commercial and residential with shops downstairs and apartments above.
It doesn’t really matter, it’s going to be modded to hell and back 😎
I love Cities Skylines, it’s my go to game to actually relax (very welcome as a parent of 2 small kids). There’s something about making cities that’s just so… Perfect.
Looking forward to Cities Skylines 2 but it looks like I need a better PC to play it, which is not happening soon.
Elon Musk being a kamikaze pilot CEO
How and why did Reddit think copying Twitter’s API pricing mistake was a good idea? And why charge Apollo $20 million?!
Like that’s just a cricket bat to the face.
I’m glad the statement is quite arrogant. They will feel it and it will hurt. This is the first wave of the great Rexxodus.
Diversification, then survival of the fittest!
I’m here. I last commented on Reddit many moons ago but I’m here
We’d literally have to halt all emissions and start massive “rewilding” projects to turn this puppy around. Remember 2020 when human industrial activity paused for a while and nature took some time to take a breath? We will need things like that but all the time. Perhaps have arbour day a monthly thing? Perhaps close all factories over the weekend? Perhaps move to 3 day weekends? Perhaps make an ordinance that 50% of each country needs to be natural untouched protected wilderness? Who knows? We need a lot of solutions NOW.