I’ve always enjoyed Firered and Sapphire and recently found Polished Crystal which is fantastic
Transfered from Feddit.ch as they closed up shop unfortunately.
I’ve always enjoyed Firered and Sapphire and recently found Polished Crystal which is fantastic
What would you be referring to?
They make plenty of anti-consumer decisions
Not like the FTC did much to begin with
Oh yeah I did hear that name recently
Two weeks ago it was Jeep. Now it’s Dodge. This is how it creeps. Are both those companies owned by Crystler?
I didn’t mean it to come across as insulting or anything. I meant it all genuinely to be helpful
Or I was busy and gave a quick and still helpful response
Are you aware of Firefox’s changes to their privacy policy that has been in the news the past 2 weeks? If not you can easily find articles and youtuve videos on it.
I love more surveillance
I tried it and it’s awesome. I like it better than Liquid Crystal. It feels way more retro but also modernized at the same time. The 60fps world is a huge improvement
I like Bleachbit but I’ll check this out
What are you talking about?
Thank you, I’ll give it a try
Surprisingly their apps don’t require Google Play services and have no known trackers via Exodus. That’s impressive
How did you get it working? I am using the latest Mint with Cinnamon, Betterbird flatpak with Birdtray flatpak. I setup the directory for my two email inboxes and it displays the joint counter on BT icon. However whenever I open BT it opens BB and gives an error and keeps BB open over anything else.
I wish these were firmware based like Gulikit so I could modify everything without a software that inevitably won’t be made for Linux.
I like getting audio books from Libro.FM. It’s all DRM free and some money gets donated to a bookstore of your choosing.