Wait. Let me guess. It’s about 600 dollars overpriced, requires proprietary wiring, is not repairable (because Tim Cook believes you are leasing it from apple), requires an Internet connection to perform a basic function that has worked for over 100 years without AI, oh and it doesn’t have an actual button to reduce waste. You are supposed to use your old one or buy an apple button for another 600 dollars. Also, it stops working or slows down after a year and for some reason you need a subscription to use it.
I usually don’t engage in conversations like this but let’s try. The condition you are describing is an autoimmune disease known as Gillain-Barre (Also, sometimes called acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy or AIDP). It is a devastating disease and I am sorry that your loved one has had to cope with it.
This disease can be triggered by any number of exposures including vaccination not just to COVID but to any vaccine. It is truly something to be concerned about and an important thing to understand when making health decisions. Essentially, when your immune system is exposed to something it thinks is foreign (Like a virus, viral protein from a vaccine, or bacteria) you body trys to fight it by making antibodies. The anti bodies attach to it and inactive or kill the virus. Rarely (like 1 in 100000ish) the body makes antibodies that also attach to something that it should not like your own body. If that thing happens to be a spinal nerve you develop this disorder.
If you are concerned about it, you should ABSOLUTELY get the vaccine. You are orders of magnitude more likely to get AIDP (Gillain-Barre) from contracting a native virus than you are from the vaccine. Also, you are more likely to spread the virus causing death and the same low chance of AIDP (Gillain-Barre) to others.
When a vaccine is deemed “safe and effective” that is not to say it is without any risk. Any exposure carries risk. It means that our society is more likely to be healthy with it than without it. Both on an individual and population level. People are concerned about the antigens (things that generate an immune response) in vaccines but you have many more antigenic exposures in the world without vaccines than with them.