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i’m IN america and i can tell you: whatever it is in this country you think you want to come here and see—it’s not worth it
hey, the same shit happens to me! i thought i was the only one…
its like getting text messages from that friend you don’t remember making when you were blackout drunk last night
going to nightclubs as a foreigner in japan: everyone loves you and wants to talk to you
getting a job (other than teaching english to kids) as a foreigner in japan: good luck
if you’re a minority or woman who voted for trump, then i have less than zero sympathy
trump and his sycophantic goons are actively wrecking this country and democracy. it could be reasonably argued that the point of no return has already passed. it’s really rich that you’re telling ME to “be better” in this situation, but i’ll bite: what’s your suggestion for “help people be better”? inform people who deliberately dismiss facts and evidence they don’t like as “fake news” that they’ve voted for a conman? be specific, because people have been trying the “let’s respect the viewpoint of the rapist felon voters” approach for years, and look at where we are.
so EXACTLY what is it that you think everyone should do?
if you sit down to dinner with 8 people and 1 of them is a nazi, you’re eating dinner with 8 nazis
all of the wrong a lot of these people did was vote for someone because they were told lies about how things would be better…
ok you’re trying to defend trump voters as if they’re somehow “victims of dishonesty.” again, no.
after the first trump term, the abysmal covid response, the 2 impeachments, J6, the classified documents, and on and on and on, while normal people were doing everything they could to convince these people that they’ve been hoodwinked, FOR YEARS, demonstrates that the “let’s talk about it and compromise” approach DOES. NOT. WORK. mockery and ridicule and unwell wishes it is.
again (and again and again), fuck trump, and fuck trump voters. yes i fucking do want them to suffer the way everyone else is suffering. i don’t know what gives you the impression that you’re going to change my mind about that, but i guess…go get’em tiger…?
i’m no expert but i remember reading somewhere that queen victoria demanded honesty/accuracy in her portraits in later years, which really, sets her portraits apart from the “prettified” ones
yea, no.
look where all this “let’s be nice to the very fine people on the nazi side” and tolerance and patience and we’re not going to publish this article because it’ll hurt trump’s feelings has gotten us today. excuse me, but fuck that shit.
you can say i’m a bad person if that makes you feel better, but fuck trump, and fuck everyone who voted for this bullshit that everyone has to deal with now
lol if you’re shocked now, just wait until they get to actually rewriting established, agreed-upon, undisputed history, like deleting articles like this, and then going ahead and deleting the fact that slavery ever even happened in this country
“impossible!! that could never happen!”
it’s literally happening…
government immediately appealed the ruling, and said in a filing Tuesday that the judge’s order lacked proper jurisdiction “because the presidential actions they challenge are not subject to judicial review.”
i mean don’t these judges know how fascism works?
imagine not being satisfied with only 1 punisher patch on your rentacop uniform
people would rather be broke, jobless, the opposite of free, and be regarded as stupid–rather than simply admit they made a major life-wrecking mistake
tell your dad that i, for one, hope he enjoys his suffering
what’s funny about these old portraits is that it’s never an unreasonable assumption that the actual person was 50x uglier than how the artist made them in the portrait
GOP then: “i’m voting for trump because he’ll make everything cheaper!!!”
GOP now: “REAL americans are happy to overpay for everything for dear great leader trump!!!”
chuck edwards replaced madison cawthorn. still a huge fucking letdown
if the only thing holding people back is a fucking book
that’s the mindset. they’re raised to believe that humans literally aren’t capable of being any definition of “good” without church. and even still, as mentioned above, you can pretty much do all the stealing, adultering, raping, murdering you please anyway as long as you “repent” and ask forgiveness. it’s all such a steaming truckload of horseshit
it doesn’t take too long. just get banned by a sub, then post on the sub under an alt. they banned all my accts going back 14 years by fingerprint
LOL as usual, trying to spin it like it’s the people’s own fault they’re getting robbed blind. the worst thing is that the maga cultist sheep will lap it up like hogs at the trough, willingly handing over every last right they didn’t even know they had, while calling themselves the party of “individual liberty and freedom”