May he fall a thousand times.
May he fall a thousand times.
The Republican party long ago abandoned any pretense of actually governing and has simply become anti-democratic.
I’ve been wondering for years now how long it will take until the majority of your population finally recognizes the fact and hits the streets about it. So far I’ve been dissapointed repeatedly and crushingly. Voting repeately against your own interest seems to be some kind of national sport in the US 🤕
I’m in this picture and I dont like it.
3310… Snake and fucking indestructable.
This is morbidly fascinating. Also extremely good pictures.
e: While all of the photos are great, this one struck me in particular:
I was a witness to OPs great secret.
Red Sonja, destroyer of pallets, ruler of strange food combinations, punisher of pizza culture on a global scale. All hail thee! :-)
You sir, are an absolute barbarian!
About to slap that camera right out of your hand 😬
Please, stay, my liege :-D
Building your own gaming machine was always the best option if you knew about new technologies, compatibilities, brands etc. The problem I see these days is that the market is really, really saturated in everything PC. Which makes the research necessary extensive and time consuming for people who are not exactly “on the pulse” when it comes to hardware.
So it also becomes a question of “do I want to spend the time to get exactly what I need for the cheapest possible price?” versus just checking some meta-sites that review prebuilt PCs and pick one that is rated good by the community instead.
How a 15€ shooter sits above Activisions workhorse MW2 (~70€). Haha. And deservedly so - BattleBit is a really GREAT shooter!
Honestly the best battlefield-experience I’ve ever had. Nearly everything can be collapsed with explosives/tanks, the VOIP feature is actually really cool (you can speak to everyone in your vincinity, also enemies & when you die your mic is open for 2 secs so the enemy might hear you curse; also, you can continue to make callouts when “down”) and and everything JustWorksTM. Solid Netcode and 60hz tickrate by default. Extremely deep weapon custimization, skins galore, prestige like in MW, it just has EVERYTHING the competition has except realistic looks. And I can see past that with what is on offer.
But the best part? You can drag people, even enemies, around. Be it to pull them out of line of fire, or throw enemies down mountains. The possibilities are endless!
If you like shooters and can bear the basic graphics I’d heavily recommend you give it a shot.
Sometimes there is a man… Sometimes…
Til what an eggcorn is. Yeah, absolutely.
If I can let my cynical self speak for a moment: From all I’ve gathered, not too much if he can prolong the trials until he is possibly reelected (insane to even type that out). Motherfucker will just self-pardon himself like a good little fascist. He also has a favourable judge in the Miami court from what I’ve heard. A little pro-trump judge to preside over Trumps trial, the biggest presidential crime drama in the US since… Watergate? Dunno.
Honestly its mad he’s allowed to run his campaign with several trials for high crimes on the table.
I pay for Proton Unlimited (Email+vpn; ongoing), a couple of Android apps (once) and that’s it. The thing you said about spending 2$ on an app vs 10$ at the coffee stand is very relatable.
It really starts to hurt physically when you start comparing starfield to cdpr games like witcher 3 or Cyberpunk…