I’ve found stolen tomatoes and eggplant that look just like that peach. It’s like they were playing with it.
I’ve found stolen tomatoes and eggplant that look just like that peach. It’s like they were playing with it.
Delivery had a lot to do with softening the approach.
Definitely not for all situations, but to be fair, no approach could be.
I had a friend in college that would just say, “So, what’s your deal?”
I’m shocked at how well it worked. Open ended, so you only get what they’re willing to talk about, but they’ll still be ok talking.
Because Bob usually knows, and/or did it.
(I use Bob too)
I think it was Lewis Black who said, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the two party system in this country is a bowl of shit looking at itself in the mirror.”
I vote for who earns my vote. I refuse the forced choice of two terrible options.
Similarly, have they offered something worthy of my time and consideration?
Yes, consider engaging.
No? Next.
There’s no such thing as quiet quitting. I prefer acting your wage.
“I don’t want to know, Dave.”
Keep a Bullet Journal or similar. (I actually use tasks in Outlook this way.)
Break big projects into chunks, get chunks done, even small ones. Checking off boxes gives a good sense of accomplishment.
Schedule breaks, like with a Pomodoro timer. 20 minutes of work, take a 5 minute break. Repeat. After a bunch of work cycles, take a longer break.
By this metric, mine was a 16 KB memory expansion module for the TS-1000.
I still have it!
Who will think of the landlords?
I don’t need a reason to not be bothered at my home, other than being at my home.
I have a side window and just glare at them and shake my head “no” disappointingly. I don’t give them the satisfaction of opening the door.
The ring doorbell sounds neat, but I think it’s easier to ignore then a human.
I would also follow up with a 1 star review of their company if they behaved that way at my house. And probably shame them on our neighborhood social media pages. With video from my ring doorbell. (I don’t have one, but you do.)
Teach a child to fish, basically.
If we keep making it easy for them… Ask and I’ll give you all the answers… They’ll never learn.
My first response these days is, “What have you tried so far?” And, “What are you searching for in ‘Google’?”
I’m pushing 50 and when people ask me how I know so much about computers, my first comment is that I had to program my first computer for it to do anything.
My second is that I actively sought to learn, and you can too.
Later in life Linux played a huge role in understanding how these contraptions work. Ironically, I’m a human factors engineer, so I’m also guilty of creating part of the problem. User interfaces that “just work”… Until they don’t.
Here I was just contemplating installing Windows 11.
Looks like I’ll be waiting.
Karate? No.
I do let my imagination play out an action/fight scene that will occur when the elevator “dings” and the doors open. Often with an action based song playing in my head.
I watch too many movies.
I don’t know. I like the lack of a downvote.
If I like it, I up vote.
If I have something to say to support or refute, I comment.
If it needs to be reported, I report it.
Otherwise, I exercise my own right to social media “mokusatsu” and just move on. Almost like it’s not even worth my effort to downvote.
Pretty good, actually. I use a sleep timer that calculates a wake up time in 90 minute increments, which matches most people’s sleep cycles.
This ensures that I’m waking up at a time when my sleep is the lightest.
I think traveling alone is such a great challenge and adventure. It’s really relaxing actually, to be able to just do what you want, when you want.
Traveling with a trusted partner is also great, but I wish I could solo travel more often. Somewhat ironically, I’ve made so many friends when traveling solo.
Good luck on your trip!
Mine sits politely at the counter while we cook (no paws on the counter) waiting to taste anything we are cooking.
I don’t think she knows she’s a cat.