given how bad you think it is
I didn’t say the UK was a bad country. Please stop making things up.
What miraculous country are you from that is so free from racism?
I didn’t say my country was free from racism. Please stop making things up.
“your racist country is so bad. Don’t talk”
I didn’t say that. Please stop making things up.
Who hurt you?
Nobody. Please stop making things up.
Norway isn’t part of the EU, does that mean they are racist?
Norway wasn’t a founding member that voted to leave primarily to avoid taking in immigrants
You have to be able to handle nuanced debates though.
Easily the smuggest thing I’ve read in weeks
You’ve completely changed the topic from slurs and what isn’t acceptable to a whole piece on racism
I laughed at someone using the UK as their example of race relations done right. I laughed because it’s funny, because the UK is one of the most racist countries in the world. Slurs are not the only form of racism.
If you just want to go down the “UK all bad!”
Where are you getting this shit from? It wasn’t from my post, that’s for sure.
to make yourself feel better to protect your country and feed that nationalist indignation
Wasn’t doing that. This was all about you picking one of the worst possible countries as your example of the alternative.
Even if we ignore all the dark shit the UK did to other races in the past in the name of imperialism, we’re still talking about a country that voted to divorce itself from a mutually beneficial economic alliance because it didn’t want to be forced to let brown people move there. They may not talk about it like the Americans do but the UK is still plenty racist.
Interesting. I didn’t know Canada had their own racial slurs, I figured they imported them from the US and UK.
TF is a dogan?
UK ain’t woke, just has some acceptance that people from different backgrounds have some value
Lmao. Of all the countries to say this about.
Hopefully this leads to the death of the presidential pardon. It screws up the concept of checks and balances by allowing the executive branch bypass the judiciary.
Typically something like a political campaign will use a dedicated texting service intended to send out mass texts. They’re not copy/pasting them on a consumer level cell phone account.
Oh I agree. Also some of these programs are pretty important. And even the less important ones exist for a reason. I’m not necessarily against trimming the fat but it should be given more consideration than “CLOSE ALL THE THINGS!!”
That person believes you are having a stroke, but I didn’t see anything wrong with your post. Seemed perfectly legible.
I will never understand how Americans are dumb enough to believe you can cut taxes and pay off the deficit.
If your cuts to programs are greater than the loss from cutting taxes it’s absolutely possible. That’s simple math. Not that I agree with trump obviously but your argument is flawed.
Especially egregious: someone quotes a Simpsons/South Park/whatever episode and the next 20 comments are people quoting the rest of the episode
We get it. You watched a hugely popular TV show. So did everybody. That’s why it was hugely popular.
They already build cars in Mexico and Canada. That’s the problem, they want to sell them in the US
Lexus is more reliable anyway
It’s meant to keep the top of the box from sagging down and messing up the pizza. Not usually a problem on smaller boxes but happens a lot with larger ones.
Especially funny that a guy who’s going to receive a pension we paid for is saying this
I don’t care about the post, nor was I attacking anyone. I’m delighted by the irony of a user named RedditWanderer claiming that nobody cares about reddit on the /c/reddit community. That’s all. Isn’t that enough?
That moment when a person with “reddit” in their username claims nobody gives a shit about reddit
Jersey was also a union state though