I just moments ago commented about this on another post – it’s not just you and not just lemmy.ml
41f late-dx AuDHD
I just moments ago commented about this on another post – it’s not just you and not just lemmy.ml
Since I returned from my visit, I have been trying to place my experiences there into a larger context. The reality on the ground is so devastating, and the future appears so bleak, that I have allowed myself to indulge in some counter-factual history and to entertain some hopeful speculations about a different future. I ask myself, what would have happened had the newly created state of Israel fulfilled its commitment to enact a constitution based on its Declaration of Independence? That same declaration which stated that Israel “will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations”.
this was a devastating read
I think anybody over 40 playing rock on stage is cringey
did you know that in addition to continuing hobbies and pastimes they did as a young person, sometimes old people fuck??
I did not understand orgasms or realize I wasn’t having them with my partners until I finally did have one. 😂 I genuinely didn’t understand that it could feel that good until it did.
Another win for abstinence-based sex ed in rural America!
That is hilarious!
lol no it can’t
It’s really, really, really going to suck to lose that resource when troubleshooting weird hardware and software issues, but that seems inevitable at this point. He really seems to be trying to figure out the stupidest way to kill the utility of the site in the name of profit.
I have taken responsibility already before the Colorado bar, who censured me
Is that all, or is it just a necessary step on the way to disbarment?
You are not wrong.
You did a truly excellent job of answering the question thoroughly! Thanks for putting in so much effort, I bet this will be really helpful. ❤️
Idk anything about Linux forums, but as far as forums in general:
Are there really so many people to frequent forums and provide answers to people who seem to be in trouble
This is legitimately my husband’s favorite thing to do. He’s not into Linux, he’s into garden tractors and mowers, but he loves the enthusiast forums and Facebook groups he’s in and is very active.
Generally, he loves helping people who want to learn, and specifically, he is nuts about helping people learn to care for their machines and save them from the junkyard. He will spend hours on the phone and days over email helping people troubleshoot things, purely for the joy of helping.
And when he’s not helping somebody, he’s talking to other tractor nerds about how cool their tractors are and how best to take care of them! 😂🥰
So yes, there are people who like to hang around to give help, some people just really, really, really love to help.
There was a minor map glitch in my neighborhood that kept directing people to my house instead of my friend’s house half a mile down the road, and it took me actual weeks of effort (persistent back and forth with them, repeatedly sending map screenshots and data from the county auditor, refusing to let my case get closed, etc) to get it corrected, which I had assumed was because it was a relatively small thing affecting a couple dozen people a year.
People fruitlessly asking them to fix a bridge out notice for 10 fucking years is horrifying.
Me too, this is one of the main things that stuck with me. Honestly, idk how to think of myself except in relation to my service to community, it has really shaped my entire experience of the world.
It’s not unreasonable or excessive to respond violently to oppression.
I’m here to represent the “Cilantro Tastes Like Soap, But I Like That!” crew.
I will start expecting less right after he starts accepting less.
how could you use this information to benefit yourself or others
I would try to communicate the feel of things - either “this doesn’t feel right” or “oh shit, I think this is what we should do!” but idk how to do it better because the information from dreams is always so misty - what’s a silly amalgamation of experiences you’ve had, and what’s an actual analysis of things that might happen?
how do you convince others that the things your are seeing are really happening without being labeled insane?
I genuinely don’t know about this, because this is a problem I have in my real waking life: patterns and weirdness adding up to problems that cause me an itch that I usually can’t express until it’s an issue for everyone else, too, and then it’s usually too late.
Take a peek into the multiverse to see how other versions of yourself have solved these problems…
I think this is the best use of psychedelics - they help you see solutions that are outside your usual, obvious worldview.
it’s giving “disgruntled teen”
I swear I’ve gotten this exact same look when asking mine to please take out the trash
I love Lemmy! I’ve got accounts across several instances, and I have totally replaced my reddit scrolling with Lemmy.
Sorry if it came across like I was implying that you should have commented there first – that was definitely not my intention! I actually considered making a post on my instance about it too, because I know some people primarily browse local stuff and would likely miss a post from another instance.
I just wanted to let you know it wasn’t just you and maybe encourage you to comment there, too, in the hope that more of us mentioning in each post that we’re having this problem might help lead to clues and a fix. 🙂