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¡Pásele, pásele! Tenemos variedad, joven.
🍃 just a leaf on the stream of creation
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Starting to learn Japanese !! The first hiragana I learnt were あ and の; progress is steady. Manga is incredibly more fun, now that I can parse some ideophones.
Family visited for Xmas. As I only had met 3 out of the 9 people that came over, I was quite anxious. This house has not had visitors during the holidays for over a decade. Everything has been surprisingly chill; I’d even dare saying they’re welcome next year !!
I created another tiny notebook out of old tickets (y esta vez incluso forrado !! uwu). Vivan los mamotretos.
Cagamos al tío !! Quite cathartic on one end, and a fun jingle on the other. Love my friends.
i’ve met someone really cool !
spending time with them feels simultaneously effortless and nourishing 🪢
and, similar to inktober, we have tried to make something artsy 🕳️ for november.
hey! it’s good to have those serious talks with the people we care about.
exercising makes us jacked^(is that the english term for 💪?)^ by slightly tearing the muscles apart and rebuilding them stronger. relationships and hard conversations are similarly related… we need to start by lifting just a few pounds.
cool ! 🚙 always refreshing to let out our good ol’ genuine selves !
(what a lovely kaomoji)
went for a 2-day trip with a friend. feels good to breathe the air of another city.
as a kid i thought those arrows pointed to heaven. seems this driver was with 5y/o me.
I don’t quite understand what you meant. Can you expand?
I stitched a little notebook !
(so little ! it’s about A9 in size)
I only hit the 300 search quota back in March, just on the last day of that month’s plan. I do like the service, but I’m uncertain on Vlad so I’ve established using other services.
Apart from filters (to exclude content you don’t want to see), how did you curate your feed? was it entirely from All and Local?
Thanks for your concern, and the funny imagery, it really made me reflect. I’m now on a better place mentally.
not sure I follow your comment. Joplin Server would be relevant when you sync your notes through them, no? Or how does it affect the app?
Fun tactic, indeed. Responding as if an unruly AI manages the account.
The Babadook, it made me tear a tear as no other movie in years.
I remember the memes back when it premiered and thought of it as a silly monster movie BUT OH NO. Either psychotic or supernatural, however I interprest the film is horrifyingly captivating.
Haven’t heard of any new movies that excite me.
His daughter is also in, yes?
I’ve learnt how to launch 7 terminal simultaneously; feel like a total hacker out of a movie.
On a different note, I feel completely lonely. I haven’t talked out loud with anyone for 4 days. Speech is exhausting.
Add to that, just had the opportunity to watch The Babadook and Hereditary back to back. It broke me in a beautiful way.
Here’s the pdf to the 4th edition.
What improvements did you make based on the book? I’m skimming through it.
Out of 19 people elected, 6 mentioned moderation and/or trust & safety in their platform goals. 4 people mentioned ecosystem diversity. The remaining people mentioned a variety of goals.
When I saw these results, I was was confused why some listed no pronouns at all. When I inquired about it, I was told that it was optional.
Your concern about cisnormativity is totally valid, but I see little correlation with the mod tools? What improvements could be done on the technical side?
ETA: thanks for sharing.