AutoComplete 2, Wasted Electricity Boogaloo!
AutoComplete 2, Wasted Electricity Boogaloo!
I use Projectivy, on my Google ChromeCast:
Install a better launcher, done.
As has always been the Android way.
Each drone is a brain-cell of the collective brain, the Queen is the personality that eventually formed.
OR install it via Chocolatey:
Who do they think they are? Ann Lee?
You’re perhaps thinking of msinfo32
Why would i not preserve all the audio though?
That does nothing for what’s recommended.
‘Not Interested’ -> 'Tell us why -> ‘I don’t like the video’ is what works.
I can’t remember what it was called but, I seem to remember there was on you could monitor change of ownership on Github-repo’s.
They used to get hacked. They still do, but they used to too.
Not seeing a filter-list for uBO on their github:
AdGuard – Cookie Notices
EasyList – Cookie Notices
uBlock filters – Cookie Notices
and you can also add:
“I don’t care about cookies”
How’s that vs just enabling the built-in lists i uBO?
AutoComplete 2, Wasted Electricity Boogaloo!