Gonna get me some Eddies
Gonna get me some Eddies
Depends how much money you got. Once they are out of the “hold then in your lap” stage and you have to start paying for their airline seats it gets really expensive.
Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring.
The visitor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself, “it is overfull, no more will go in!”.
“Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “your desktop is full of documents and shortcuts. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”
You monster! They belong in ~/.config
Better Off Dead. One of John Hughes earlier efforts, and still very quotable.
I had grandparents who lived in Philadelphia and every summer we would go down the shore to Wildwood when we were kids. Just spending days laying on the beach making sand castles, digging up clams and harassing the horseshoe crabs. Then going to the boardwalk and getting salt water taffy and playing games. Good times.
If it purged the entire ecosystem what are the trout going to eat? Seems like they won’t stay unaffected for longer than it takes to starve.
This comic made me go back to a post I made and put in the solution I found to a really strange problem. 2 years later someone responded saying they had the same problem and my solution fixed it for them.
A judge can overrule a jury if they think the jury judged the law rather than the defendant, however.
Bulking up to what, fatass? Super fatass??
You can add “annoying” to that as well. In my case I’ve had the uncanny ability to regurgitate the most useless trivia about almost any subject that I’ve read about. It took me longer than I care to admit to realize that no one wants to hear that shit.
Then you carry them to the hospital and they don’t want to get treatment but they sure as hell want you to keep carrying them around. Been in that situation and it really sucks.
This oath you’re referring to is the Hippocratic oath, I’m assuming? A non-bnding oath that no licensing board or medical school requires beyond a formality? Doctors are not going to risk their medical license in the form of law-breaking, Especially with the Texas state AG saying they will prosecute
State medical licensing boards usually consider flouting the law to be unprofessional conduct so doctors are really in a bind here. You should direct your ire to the people who created this situation not the ones who are caught in it.
Then you could call yourself Galactus
I’m just a bill, yes I’m only a bill, and I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill. Either that one or the Preamble.
I like to think we’re doing it right, and possibly setting an example for other states to follow. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/michigan-blazes-path-pro-democracy-reform
You could just become a fan of Insane Clown Posse
If I recall, their fight was largely off-screen just at the end Logan was smoking a cigar in a demolished bar.
Yes Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture (Russian lol) Here’s a recording featuring actual cannons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbxgYlcNxE8 The piece celebrates the battle and subsequent Russian victory over Napoleon’s invading forces in 1812. The original also had real church bells ringing to celebrate the victory.