• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024


  • “critique”

    Don’t worry about that. I’m kind of asking for it when I’m such an language anarchist.


    To put it bluntly, the gripist attitude is why we are where we are today.

    Our obsession with control over everything, to have a system that takes care of us so that we don’t need to understand the world. The gripist attitude has alienated us from everything and is the reason why we don’t stop the poisoning of Earth.

    But a science communicator could never say that because it is outside the neutrality paradigm. Because nothing can be political, even when being political is the only way to make the message clear.

  • The reason I emphasize language is because we oftentimes lack the remediating words that we need.

    Elon got his wealth is because we gave it to him. We gave it to him by accepting our roles as consumers, voters, and grippers.

    Instead we need to find remediating roles. Roles that has action, attitudes and spreadability that causes remediation.

    A role can be a degripper. One who strives to remove one’s own grip, guiding others to degrip themselves and do action to degrip griphoarders.

    Generally though, by using words that shifts our focus away from consumerism, towards nature, our peers and blossoming, we degrip. An example of this would be to integrate natural elements into our language. For example in norwegian, instead of “mastery”, I say “blossoming”, or instead of saying “rich in colors”, I would say “bloom in colors”. Or being aware of the species around us and pointing them out for our peers.

  • “Language evolves organically”

    This is oftentimes true, but there is also efforts to shape language. In particular, commercials has the goal of changing our language. Creating new words, making certain words being associated with certain brands. Creating insecurities with the youth is a way of preassuring them into buying beauty products.

    We can also see that the fossil fuel industry inserted the idea of co2/farting footprint into our heads. This has shifted our focus away from the producers of fossil fuel, to the consumer. This certainly has made it a lot easier to extract more fossil fuel.

    “We should not critique academic words”

    My main critique of academic language is that it is not down to earth. This means that a lot of communication is lost on the way when trying to use these words in an everyday context.

    I’ll give the example of ecosystem. If you are going to explain ecosystem to somebody, you need to go into etymology and the history of the word in order to fully understand what it means. It’s not a very down to earth word although the concept is easily understood.


    I’ve created the term. I have made this project in order to remediate Earth. I believe the symbolism of anarchism was too divisive, so I created my own symbolism to better communicate what this ideology means to me.

    The goal is to remediate Earth by changing language. Because language changes our action, our attitudes and other people’s language. The remediation that oakism comes with is that we need to degrip, show cohold, nurture and show colife as well as to let people rule, not grippers.

    “Woo nonsense”

    Yeah, I get that. That’s what I expect people to think. I usually don’t get a lot of response on my posts, so I appreciate you took time to respond:)