In a row?
In a row?
Hey that’s awesome! Sounds like you’re off to a fresh start.
Yeah, and I’m also not extracting grandma
You’re not supposed to have fun. You’re supposed to learn so you can get a job that you enjoy.
Hi, elder leftist here. The whole education system is already set up to produce obedient workers. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself how much time is spent teaching kids to organise effectively, or advocate for issues they care about. Or even just build good communication with their classmates, like how to react to bullying.
All that matters is to follow the authority, don’t question the rules, put the things in your head that they give you and nothing else.
The reason kids are bored in school is because the current system doesn’t address the real problems they have, so why should they care about the system.
After reading your post, I’m more on the side of following beehaw to the format that suits them best. I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t finding those quality posts here after a while, and what you said about them being quickly pushed out in favor of new content makes a lot of sense.
Although I came here through the rexodus, I agree that the Reddit style format still carries a lot of problems that I’d rather not keep, and it’s important to have a quality space I can post (also because I’m trans and need those spaces too)
I do still feel a need for the dopamine rush of cat pics and memes, so I’m not sure if there’s a way to hybridize that with a forum? If not, there’s always burner Lemmy accounts (or Tumblr lol) for that
Luddites, the original ones were pretty rad. They were anti tech for anti capitalist reasons.
I agree that Luddite is the more correct term since it’s more general now, but I hate that the term got warped over time to mean anyone that hates any new tech
Soft rain and an umbrella
Hey just a thought, but have you considered also measuring your labor in terms of hours worked by admin staff etc? I’m assuming it’s unpaid.
I think showing the financials is great but to me it shows only one part of the picture, if that makes sense. Your work has value!
I really appreciate all the work that goes into this place, and really, thanks for all you do.
I won’t call it pacifist mode exactly, but I prefer to play games like Tears of the Kingdom or even GTA by just walking around slowly and taking photos, observing the scenery. GTA San Andreas (the old ps2 version) is weirdly great for this because it has so many hazy colors and jaggy lines.
Problem with all of this is, life expectancy is going down, and we know they’re not just going to kindly lower it to accommodate us. Look at what happened in France this year just to keep it at the same age
Thanks for these posts, it’s a nice little reminder to check in with myself. Ups and downs, but mostly good. Feels so nice after a long day to relax playing the new Zelda. I don’t care if I ever beat it, I just want to run around gathering mushrooms and stuff, it’s so soothing for me.
I check Wikipedia or wherever first, not for reviews but just to get a sense of when they were most active or just to get a full discography. Sometimes I notice Spotify just straight up doesn’t have some bands oldest stuff, so it helps me figure out where I want to start
A thing I like to do if I’m in a cafe or place with good music playing, I’ll just straight up ask the staff – if theyre not busy – what they’re playing. Sometimes gets a nice little conversation. Then I’ll add it to a playlist and go from there. Of course I can shazam it or whatever but it’s not as fun
Hey. This is the only instance so far where I’ve felt safe to be out. I really appreciate all the work you and the other admins have put in to making this place, it really does feel special. That being said, putting yourself first matters, and if it’s this community or your own health, you know what to prioritize. The rest of us will be able to figure things out!
I think one of the exceptions to this is music. Of course there’s top 40 and whatnot, but it’s one of the areas where older hits either don’t go away, or get repackaged algorithmically into let’s say “stuff from that decade you like that you’ve never heard before.”
Of course it’s still being selected from a much larger sample. But I think there’s something different about music.
It’s interesting, mindfulness and meditation really weren’t that popular, at least in a mainstream way, before smartphones got popular. I feel like a big part of why it blew up was pretty much because people were feeling overwhelmed with modern multitasking and needed an outlet.
It’s been that way since the redesign. Nilay went all in on building it around Twitter and then ElonGate happened, so they kinda backed themselves into a corner. Pretty good coverage of the reddit blackout though.
The rock where they think people can’t tell the difference between a press release and journalism
Ah, ok. So it’s basically the legal equivalent of Macho Man’s cream of the crop promo? Got it
If other sites are anything to go by, drama. Nothing but complete and total drama. Stats are ok, but only if they support maximum drama. Play analysis and tactical discussion is completely unacceptable.