• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Like others mentioned, it doesn’t seem far off stock. The things I can pick out that are mods are:

    • bl touch (or something like it). This is an automatic bed leveling tool. So instead of spinning the little cogs under the bed all the time to get the bed level, it will probe the bed before printing to build a map of the bed position, and print accordingly.
    • general parts upgrade. This is a simple upgrade kit that’s just an increase in quality. Better springs, stuff like that
    • mainboard upgrade. Might just be upgraded to a silent board. Might be upgraded to something more… hard to tell.

    I don’t see much else that stands out as being particularly modded. Hope that helps.

  • You are so confident that you know what people are thinking. I didn’t feign confusion, you are just a terrible communicator and incredibly hard to follow.

    I tried to be patient and have a clear honest conversation with you, but you are clearly not capable of having honest conversation. You are an incredibly dishonest, arrogant, and irrational person, and I don’t see any way to have productive conversation with you. So I’ll be blocking you now. I hope you figure out how to stop being a dickhead.

  • I voted for the genocide supporter you wanted me to instead of the genocide supporter you are ok with because it gives you an excuse to blame the left.

    What does this even mean? I wanted you to vote for Harris. Did you vote for Harris? You also say something about my “buddies on the right”, so do you think I wanted you to vote for Trump, and therefore you voted for Trump? I wish you’d speak more directly instead of throwing in all these ambiguous assumptions.

    Assuming you voted for Harris, it sounds like we are actually on mostly the same page. I voted for Harris. You voted for Harris (I think? I wish you would just give straight answers). Everyone should have voted for Harris. But Harris wasn’t good, we deserve better, and I want to see better.

    I also would have preferred that Harris had changed for the better. Why do you assume that isn’t what I wanted? Who are my “buddies on the right”? I don’t have any right-wing friends that I’m aware of.

    It’s a shame that you have to go making an ass out of yourself by jumping to all sorts of unfounded assumptions about who I am or what I think. If you would just engage honestly this would be a lot easier.

    You seem all upset and lashing out at anyone who bothers to engage with you. Take a step back and go touch some grass or something.

  • How does that even apply?

    I’m a voter. Presidential election is happening. Both options suck, but one is extra awful.

    So the correct action is to run for president myself? And somehow build up grassroots support for myself over a series of 3 months sufficient to win? Too late.

    We need someone to do that, yea, but that’s no longer the action being taken in regards to the 2024 election. You still have to: vote Harris, vote Trump, vote for someone with no chance of winning, or not vote.

    So while you “grab a hose” which of those 4 actual actions are you taking?

  • You’re making a lot of assumptions here. I don’t even know what you think you are arguing against.

    You seemed to be arguing for not voting or voting third party rather than voting for Harris with the whole “firefighters” analogy.

    I was pointing out that by many not voting, or by voting third party, we’ve ended up with someone who is not only not a firefighter, to continue you analogy, but someone who is actively setting the fires.

    Now I hate democracy and progressives and Palestinians apparently? You’ve broken the thread here.

  • The person you are replying to is talking about pink sky being built on bluesky, and you equate that to Lemmy being based on Reddit. One is a hard technical dependency, and the other is a conceptual inspiration.

    You are engaging in an equivocation fallacy, and I think you know that. You even try to sneak it in by switching to a different but similar word (built->based) with a different meaning, then you switched back again to “built” while using the term in the same way you used “based”, then you start using other phrasing to obscure it even more. You are gaslighting with word games to try and get people to not notice your fallacy. It’s super dishonest.

  • I never claimed to support genocide. I claimed that it is better to vote for the better option of the two. You are moving the goal posts.

    I’ll make it simple for you by reframing my position, as a simple syllogism so maybe you’ll stay on topic:

    Premise one: Kamala’s policy on Palestine (and pretty much every other policy) was better than Trump’s.

    You’ve asserted without evidence that Kamala’s policy is the same as Trump’s. That is factually false. They may be close, but they are not the same. Even if Kamala lied about her policy and continued Biden’s policy of providing unconditional resourcing, it is still better than Trump’s policy of providing even more unconditional resources.

    Premise two: If one is presented with only two options, and one of those options will be selected no matter what, one should select the better option.

    You have not provided any refutation to this point whatsoever.

    Premise three: No one other than Kamala or Trump could have won the election

    You’ve also not refuted this in any way

    Conclusion: Because Kamala’s policies made her the better option of the two options, and one of them would certainly become president, one should have voted for Kamala.

    Unless you are able to refute the accuracy of the premises or show that the conclusion does not follow from those premises, you have nothing to stand on.

    Whether or not you can “support this” is irrelevant. Whether or not it “crosses a line” is irrelevant. Voting is not endorsement, nor is it support of a candidate or all their positions. It is one of your few ways to peacefully influence the direction of the country. You want a viable party that is anti-genocide? Me too. That option didn’t exist. Go run for office. Go make that party. In the meantime, stop rolling over for the fascists and letting them get their way.

  • None of that changes the fact that you had a choice between one possible future and a worse possible future, and you opted not to choose and to allow the worse future to arrive.

    I’ll make it simple for you by reframing my position, the position you were attempting to mock, as a simple syllogism:

    Premise one: Kamala’s policy on Palestine (and pretty much every other policy) was better than Trump’s.

    You’ve asserted without evidence that Kamala’s stated policy is not true and that she would follow Biden’s established policy of providing unconditionally continued resourcing. Even if that is true, it is still better than Trump’s policy of providing even more unconditional resources.

    Premise two: If one is presented with only two options, and one of those options will be selected no matter what, one should select the better option.

    You have not provided any refutation to this point whatsoever.

    Premise three: No one other than Kamala or Trump could have won the election

    You’ve also not refuted this in any way

    Conclusion: Because Kamala’s policies made her the better option of the two options, and one of them would certainly become president, one should have voted for Kamala.

    Unless you are able to refute the accuracy of the premises or show that the conclusion does not follow from those premises, you have nothing to stand on.

  • You are changing the subject instead of defending your position.

    Biden has nothing to do with it. He wasn’t running for President.

    Kamala’s position was to strive for a ceasefire, and Trump’s position was to give Israel whatever they need to get the job done.

    By voting 3rd party, you’ve taken the position that these two options are identical in your eyes. Either Israel continues with likely similar reluctant support, or Israel continues with encouragement and unlimited support. Which do you think will lead to more Palestinian deaths?

    On top of this, this was Kamala’s weakest policy, and she still clearly wins out. You are not only willing to throw the Palestinians under the bus, you’re willing to throw trans people, women, and immigrants under the bus too. All of this so you can be on your high horse and pretend to be morally superior while enabling the worst future for everyone. Good job.