You probably hate Reddit but I have a lot more content on there or you can ya know join my community here too
I’d love to know where you can buy gumballs with pennies 😆
You’ll never guess what my ass tastes like 😆
they haven’t sold it for awhile though
I don’t tan, I burn 😆
I debated trying to edit it out but I’m not that skilled 😆
I’ve taken some pretty terrible pics believe it or not lol
I take all my pics myself and I’m super picky about them so I usually take a bunch and pick a few. I’ve had several people tell me the pics I don’t like are sometimes even better than the ones I do like. I DON’T KNOW WHAT PEOPLE LIKE ANYMORE LOL
I take pics with a second phone that I pretty much only use for taking pics, editing them with watermarks etc but I don’t delete them after I’ve posted them 😆 that would be such a waste!
maybe I’m an alien posting from another planet!
kuchi kopi!
we better see that dick burping cum, otherwise it’s mild.
give the people what they want!
this is boring. post your dick so we can all see your #GONEWILD CONTENT
You better click this one too
wasting my life away on reddit unfortunately