The implication of that quote is that the “good men” are doing something good, not doing anything at all. I don’t see how running around with your middle finger in the air improves anything, and it could be argued it does the opposite.
The implication of that quote is that the “good men” are doing something good, not doing anything at all. I don’t see how running around with your middle finger in the air improves anything, and it could be argued it does the opposite.
Maybe try joining an activist or mutual aid group? Or even just serving food in a soup kitchen?
Flipping people off might feel good, but it isn’t helping the country, and it doesn’t sound like it’s helping you, either.
Get involved in your community. Go out and meet some people.
Second funniest name after this guy.
It has been for several years now. I rarely use Google now, and when I do, I’m using it out of DuckDuckGo (!g)
A child’s face says a lot. Especially the mouth part of the face.
Like the doctor. Not a doctor.
Keep trying. It took me 15 years before I found a therapist who took it seriously.
Who said that they were?
What if it’s out of print?
So, you’re 24 years old and healthy? Color me shocked.
What would you do, say, if you broke your leg? Would you go to a doctor? Do you think that they’d be able to help you?
Yeah, doctors aren’t perfect. Does that mean that my doctor, who says that you should get vaccinated, is on equal footing with RFK Jr., who says you shouldn’t? No.
I don’t have “unflinching trust” in anybody, but I’d trust a board-certified doctor before I trusted somebody like RFK Jr.
Why does that sound familiar? What does that remind me of?
It’s copyright, not copywrite—you know, the right to copy. Copywriting is what ad people do. And what does this have to do with the PATRIOT Act?
any book ever written
Damn! Which library are you going to?!
Rogan, Peterson (and probably even Shapiro, I dunno) do give good info or advice once in awhile, but it’s not anything that you couldn’t get somewhere else without all of the baggage.
Owch. Yeah, that’s hard mode.
I had to go see a neurologist to cure my headaches, not a psychiatrist. If it wasn’t for neuroscience, I’d still be having headaches 3-4 times a week.
The company counts Elon Musk among its cofounders, though he has since cut ties and become a vocal critic of it (while launching his own competitor).
Are you joking? Yes. You’re trolling me. Ha-ha, you got me, you crazy troll, you!
Now, if you were serious, I would say: Join an activist group. Call his representatives. Create or enlist in a mutual aid organization. Help out at a soup kitchen. Run for office. Those are just a few off of the top of my head. I could think of dozens more if I wanted to take the time.