Change work culture maybe?
I feel like China’s political position here is to basically sit by and see who wins, then back their government economically.
China isn’t really in the business of foreign pressure.
Russia is paying a fee per barrel set by Iraq.Oh no, the horrors!
Fucking finally. Like them or not, the Taliban is the de facto government of Afghanistan.
State-owned enterprises look better every day…
Now tell me more about that free market globalization…
Methane is going to really fuck with our near-term climate change projections. Our estimates for methane emissions are even worse than they are for CO2.
Can we ban article commentary on posts?
You’re not even citing the right reactor. LLNL did that experiment, this reactor in Japan is to try to scale it.
Infinite money does not lead to infinite scale in zero time. China’s nuclear industry is robust and growing, as is their solar and wind industry. Money can’t be wasted if you’re already tapped out on growth in other avenues.
This year, China deployed more solar panels than the entirety of all solar panels in the US.
Maybe, just maybe, make tuition free for domestic students?
Human Rights Watch, truly the beacon of human rights.
Rural populations are negligible and covered under other factors in a number of countries (in the US, Internet access). It’s not worth mentioning because it’s not a relevant part of data.
The goal of this comparison is to compare urban-to-urban, because those countries which don’t have this exclusion have relatively tiny rural populations.
Then your statement doesn’t make sense lol
The rural/urban divide isn’t unique to China or India or Brazil. It’s everywhere. Drivers are always different across the urban/rural divide.
Isn’t happiness the goal? Why does it matter what their driver is?
It’s usually an annotation because Internet/phone penetration among the rural, uneducated, and poor in those countries isn’t great. They don’t have means to survey these people. Surveying the people who do have access to Internet is representative of what “normal people” feel.
The US has ~91% Internet penetration, while China only has 73% and India only 43%.
It says that the top 1% makes 140k USD…
The most comprehensive study of global climate inequality ever undertaken shows that this elite group, made up of 77 million people including billionaires, millionaires and those paid more than US$140,000 (£112,500) a year
We are the top 1%.
What’s unmentioned is that the top 1%, the top 2%, the top 5%, even the top 10% has a disproportionate impact on emissions. That group is made up mostly by the West, but also the rich elite in China, India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, etc.